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Up Salt Creek without a paddle and all the courts in Christendom would avail me nothing." He was dozing off, when a sound smote upon his ears. Instantly he was wide awake, listening intently, his head cocked on one side. The sound grew louder; evidently it was approaching Sequoia and with a bound the Colonel sat up in bed, trembling in every limb.

You shall scantly go above him, I count." "I would I were but a king! Wouldn't I lead a brave life!" "That would not I be for all the riches in Christendom." "The which speech showeth thine unwisdom. Who so bravely apparelled as I, trow?" "Be your garments not warm enough, Matthew?" "Warm enough? certes! But they be only camoca and lamb's far, with never a silver button, let be gold."

"The truth is that Islam is more than a creed, it is a complete social system; it is a civilization with a philosophy, a culture, and an art of its own; in its long struggle against the rival civilization of Christendom it has become an organic unit conscious of itself." To this Islamic civilization all Moslems are deeply attached. In this larger sense, Pan-Islamism is universal.

Finally, it must always be remembered that the awakening of China is a matter far more profound than any statistics of exports or imports or railway lines or industrial development. For its own sake Christendom should seize quickly the opportunity offered by the present period of flux and change to help mold the new force that it must henceforth forever reckon with.

Suppose there were a Christian Emperor who could not even go to the tomb of the crucified without pausing to congratulate the last and living crucifier. If there were an Emperor who gave guns and guides and maps and drill instructors to defend the remains of the Mongol in Christendom, what would we say to him?

And thou thyself, lord king, thou art chief of the people, pardon thou Octa, and also his companions, if they will receive Christendom with good belief; for yet it may befall, in some country that they may fitly worship the Lord.

Hereby Christendom is divided and separated into as many sects, almost, as there are states and people. But this is what men should have preached and taught: Ye are Christians indeed, and, just as well as those a hundred miles away, ye have all of you one Christ, one baptism, one faith, one spirit, one word, one God; so that no work that man can do helps to make a Christian.

In the depths of bare, wretched rooms, indeed, by the side of humble pallets of suffering throughout all Christendom, a vision of the Basilica with its blazing riches continually arose like a vision of fortune itself, like a vision of the wealth of that life to be, into which the poor would surely some day enter after their long, long misery in this terrestrial sphere.

If he wished to describe an automobile turning in at a gate, he made first a long and elaborate description from which there was omitted no detail, which the most observant pair of eyes in Christendom had ever noted with reference to just such a turning.

"It is all right, dear; there is only the one religion in all Christendom perhaps in all the world, or in God's part of it. The difference is in people." "But this thing that has been slowly happening to me this thing I am trying to call convincement: shall I wake up some day and find it gone, with all the old doubts in the saddle again?" he asked it almost wistfully.