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"Happy, fortunate Earley," said Peter. "I wish I stood in his shoes." Earley joined the Gloucesters because, he said, "he couldn't abear to think of them there Germans comin' anigh Mother and them childring and the ladies; and he'd better go and see as they didn't." Mr.

Every meeting about the third man up was Isaac, and we had to watch him wave, and rant, and go sing-songy: "Oh brethering and sistering ah, It delights my heart ah to gather with you, In this holy house of worship ah. In his sacred word ah, The Lord ah tells us, That we are all his childring ah.

Off went his hat with a respectful salutation, but seeing the cloud on his wife's face, he abridged his greeting. The woman's apron was at her eyes in an instant. "Wot's gowin' on?" he asked. John Storm tried to explain, but the woman contented herself with crying. "Well, it's like this, don'cher see, Father. My missis is that fond of childring, and it brikes 'er 'eart "

She wanted to become a singer, perhaps an actress, and to tell them the truth she might not be staying long, for when she got engagements "Jest as you like, my dear; myke yerself at 'ome. On'y don't be in a 'urry about engygements. Good ones ain't tots picked up by the childring in the streets these dyes." Nevertheless it was agreed that Glory was to lodge at the tobacconist's, and Mr.

I've been married eleven years, and I've allwiz prayed the dear Lord to gimme childring. Got any? On'y one little girl; but I want to adopt another from the birth, so as to have something to love when my own's growed up." Glory supposed that Polly could see her baby at any time, but the woman answered doubtfully: "Can she see baby? Well, I would rather not, certingly.

"Well, they won't have their backs broke as carry this one downstairs. He ain't a Danny Lambert, anyway." "No, they don't feed ye on Bovril in plyces syme as this. I'll lay ye odds yer own looking-glass wouldn't know ye arter three months 'ard on religion and dry tommy." "It pawses me 'ow people tyke to it. Gimme my pint of four-half, and my own childring to follow me."

It's wrong of people letting their childring go away from them. I'll never go out at nights again not if I 'ave to tyke in sewin' for the slop shops. See this?" laughing nervously and showing a shawl that hung on her arm. "It's to bring 'er 'ome in the nights is so chill for a byeby." John's heart was heavy at sight of these little preparations, but the young mother's face was radiant.

Luckly there har no Childring and the pore gurl can gett hur living as housmade wich she were in survis hat hi gate befor she marrid my pore Joseff Honored sir i ham trewly sorry too trubbel you butt i think for hold times you will forgiv the libertey off this letter i would nott hintrewd on you iff i had enny frend to help me in my old aig, "Your obeddient survent."

We your Petitioners being situate in a wide Extencive Uncultivated Contry and Exposd. on every side to incursions of the Savage Indians humbly Conceive Ourselves approssed by several acts of the general assembly of Virginia for granting large Grants for waist and unapropriated lands on the Western Waters without Reservation for Cultivating and Settling the same whereby Setling the Contry is Discouraged and the inhabitants are greatly Exposd. to the Saviges by whome our wives and Childring are daly Cruily murdered Notwithstanding our most Humble Petitions Canot Obtain Redress By an other act we are Taxd. which in our Present Situation we Conceive to be oppresive and unjust being Taxd. with money and grain whilst Enrold and in actual Pay residing in Garrisons.