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"No, not dead, but I 'ad to put it out, pore thing!" "Ye see, miss," said Mr. Jupe with his mouth full, "my missus couldn't nurse the byeby and 'tend to the biziniss as well, so as reason was " "It brikes my 'eart to think it; but it made such a n'ise, pore darling!" "Does the mother know?" said Glory. "That wasn't necessary, my dear.

On coming downstairs next morning to the close and dingy parlour at the back, Glory had looked about her as one who had expected something she did not see, whereupon Mrs. Jupe, who was at breakfast with her husband, threw up her little twinkling eyes and said: "Now I know what she's a-lookin' for; it's the byeby." "Where is it?" said Glory. "Gorn, my dear." "Surely you don't mean "

As he was going up to the door of the little tobacco shop a raucous voice within was saying, "That's what's doo on the byeby, and till you can py up you needn't be a-kemmin' 'ere no more." At the next moment a young woman crossed him on the threshold. She was a little slender thing, looking like a flower that has been broken by the wet.

She was still crying. "I reckerlec' seeing you in Crook Lane, sir, the day we christened my byeby, and I waited, thinking p'raps you could help me." "Come this way," said John, and walking by his side along the blank wall of Lincoln's Inn Fields, the girl told her story. She lived in one room of the clergy-house at the back of his church.

It's wrong of people letting their childring go away from them. I'll never go out at nights again not if I 'ave to tyke in sewin' for the slop shops. See this?" laughing nervously and showing a shawl that hung on her arm. "It's to bring 'er 'ome in the nights is so chill for a byeby." John's heart was heavy at sight of these little preparations, but the young mother's face was radiant.

"But the father ain't," said the woman sharply, "and, begging your parding, sir, if 'e wants ter know where the byeby is 'e can come 'isself and not send sembody else!" "If the child is well, my good woman, and well cared for " "It is well keered for, and it's gorn to a pusson I can trust." "Then what have you got to conceal? Tell me where it is, and " "Not me!