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The thought careered like a caged squirrel, now that he walked through autumn woods toward her home. "I wish that you were not so sensible. I wish your mother were not even more so. The woman reeks with common-sense, and knows that to be common is to be unanswerable. I wish that a dispute with her were not upon a par with remonstrance against an earthquake." He lighted a fresh cheroot.

There was no sound along the brig's decks, and the heavy shadows that lay on it had the aspect, in that silence, of secret places concealing crouching forms that waited in perfect stillness for some decisive event. Lingard struck a match to light his cheroot, and his powerful face with narrowed eyes stood out for a moment in the night and vanished suddenly.

Rawley looked at the ominous-looking bottles on the shelves above the old man's head; at the forceps, knives, and other surgical instruments on the walls they at least were bright and clean and, taking the cheroot slowly from his mouth, he said: "Shin-plasters are what I want. A friend of mine has caught his leg in a trap."

We could not have stood it but for the thoughtful Consul-General's Borneo cigars, though the small midshipman, being still of tender years, was brought to public and ignominious disaster by his second cheroot.

"Well, well!" muttered Lingard, chewing nervously the stump of his cheroot that had gone out and looking at Almayer who stamped wildly about the verandah much as a shepherd might look at a pet sheep in his obedient flock turning unexpectedly upon him in enraged revolt.

Digesting my disgust as best I could, I lighted my cheroot with the mendacious foolscap and blushed for my species. Let us pass on to the beginning of 1851. Having then been stationary at Benares for a whole year, I was longing for a little variety. Oude, deservedly called the Garden of India, was, by all accounts, well worth visiting. I resolved to visit it.

Then he asked me to relate to him the whole story of the loss of the Dolores and of the Indian Queen incident, "from clew to earing", as he put it; and I told him the complete yarn, as he sat cross-legged in his low lounging chair, with a cheroot stuck in the corner of his mouth, listening, nodding his head from time to time, and frequently breaking in with a question upon some point which he wished to have more fully explained.

So saying, he shouldered the long single barrel, and paddled off with the most extraordinary expedition after the Teachmans, who had already started, leading the setters in a leash, till they were out of sight of Archer. "They have the longest way to go," said Harry, "by a mile at the least; so we have time for a cheroot before we three get under way."

"'Er petticoat was yaller, an' 'er little cap was green. An' 'er name was Supi-yaw-lat jes' the same as Theebaw's Queen, An' I seed her first a-smokin' of a whackin' white cheroot. An' a-wastin' Christian kisses on a 'eathen idol's foot." They are all there in Rangoon yet the gorgeous coloring of the lady's raiment, her cheroots, and the heathen idols "Bloomin' idol made o' mud.

Because of that we had left him alone; yes, come to think of it, very much alone. And we knew little about him. "Here, I'll tell you what I know," Carter began again, in a more conciliatory tone; "I'll tell you everything I know of him." He lit a cheroot. "I first met him right here in Ilo-Ilo.