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So he sang this song: "Hush, birdies, hush, Please don't cry; Mamma'll be back By and by. "Nestle down close Under my fur, I'm not your mother, but I'm helping her." But this didn't seem to satisfy the birdies and they cried "cheep-cheep" harder than ever. "Oh, dear! I believe I must get them something to eat," said Uncle Wiggily.

And sure enough, there on the green moss couch was a fat brown toad. He was winking and blinking and looking much pleased with his new home. The children sat down to rest and watch Mr. Toad. All of a sudden they heard a queer sound. "Cheep-cheep! Cheep-cheep! Cheep-cheep-cheep!" It seemed to come from the bushes. "It must be some little birds," said Betty.

Here a faint twitter was heard and ceased. A little farther a drowsy voice called "cheep-cheep" and turned again to the warmth of its wing. The very grasshoppers were silent. The creatures who range in the night time had returned to their cells and were setting their households in order, and those who belonged to the day hugged their comfort for but one minute longer.

Nothing but this and the cheep-cheep of a mouse that was gnawing the wood somewhere in the floor. "Will he come?" she asked herself. She rose and loosened her gown, and as it fell to her feet she laughed. "Which will it be, I wonder which?" she whispered.

Yells went up, a revolver spat venomously behind him, came the shrill CHEEP-CHEEP! of the police whistle, and heavy boots pounding the pavement in pursuit. Down the block Jimmie Dale raced. The yells augmented in his rear. Another shot and this time he heard the bullet buzz. And then he swerved into the next alleyway that flanked the Sanctuary.

Well, no sooner had he crawled out of the burrow than he heard a most beautiful song. It was one Mrs. Wren was singing, and it went "tra-la-la tra-la-la! tum-tee-tee-tum-tum-tee-tee!" too pretty for anything. And then, afterward, there was a sort of an echo like "cheep-cheep cheep-cheep!" "Why, you must be very happy this morning, Mrs.

Well, so hour after hour passed, and the night was so calm we could hear the chimes of the Yarmouth clocks, and the water going lap-lap against the sides of the Lively Nan, and the rudder going cheep-cheep as the sway of the sea stirred it. At last, says Lawrence: 'It's reg'lar dull here; let's go below. 'What's the use? says I: 'there's no light, and the hands are all fast asleep.

The singing of birds, never in daylight utterly drowned by the roar of the fall, had ceased about her; the call of the hidden chickadees, the cheep-cheep of a friendly robin, hopping in near range of the cooking-pot, the sawing of busy chipmunks. These sounds had ceased; but she did not feel the silence until, far up the valley behind her, a loon sent forth its sole unhappy cry.

And sure enough, there on the green moss couch was a fat brown toad. He was winking and blinking and looking much pleased with his new home. The children sat down to rest and watch Mr. Toad. All of a sudden they heard a queer sound. "Cheep-cheep! Cheep-cheep! Cheep-cheep-cheep!" It seemed to come from the bushes. "It must be some little birds," said Betty.