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Now God being a Presbiterian would know these 42 little ones had not been elected so they might as well be et up by bears as anything else to show forth his honour and glory Forever Amen. It should teach a Boy to be mighty carful about kidding old men unless he is a Presbiterian. I spelled every word in this right. "Mr. Allan Delcher Linford."

The musicians formed up in the bows of my steamer, and struck into a skittish polka; the asses mounted guard upon the gangway and the ticket-office; and presently after, in family parties of father, mother, and children, in the form of duplicate lovers or in that of solitary youth, the public began to descend upon us by the carful at a time: four to six hundred perhaps, with a strong German flavour, and all merry as children.

So, failing at last to extract any sentiment from the scenes without, they turned their faces from the window, and looked about them for amusement within the car. It was in all respects an ordinary carful of human beings, and it was perhaps the more worthy to be studied on that account.

"I can't believe I'm quite awake," said Georgiana, by and by. She sat in one of the drawing-rooms of a fast train, the door closed, the curtains drawn between herself and the rest of the carful of passengers, and only the flying landscape beyond the window to tell of the world outside. Craig sat watching her; he seemed able to do nothing else.

If ever he had needed a quiet hour it was now, and he had sought the smoking-compartment because with a carful of women and children it seemed to promise solitude. "Shall miss you around Albany this winter," Krantz said feelingly, exploring the pockets of his horsey waistcoat for a cigar. "We always got along so well together." Shelby was silent under this moving reminiscence.

So Bud thanked him gravely, but with a twinkle in his eyes, and waited until Hen had gone and he was alone before he read the message. It was mysterious enough, certainly. Hen had written in a fine, cramped, uneven hand: "You bee carful. bern this up and dent let on like you no anything but i warn you be shure bern this up."

"Eh?" says I, a little jarred at this odd openin'. "Or is it that they have all been indulgin' in family rows? Look at them!" he goes on, wavin' his hand at the carful. "Oh, I get you," says I. "Not so cheerful as they might be, are they?" "But is it necessary for us all to be so selfishly sad," says he, "so gloomily stern?

By this time the rest of the carful had gathered about them; and Dempsy Carter being a good Catholic bared his head and crossed himself. "'Tis wee Joseph of Lebanon," Patsy repeated, dully; and then to Dempsy Carter, "Aye, make a prayer for him; but ye'd best do it driving like the devil for the doctor."

The pipes remained as intact as a collection in a museum. The cigarettes never equaled the demand. We once took out a carful of supplies to 300 Belgian soldiers. We gave them their choice of cigarettes or smoking tobacco, and about 250 of them selected cigarettes. That barrack vote gives the popularity of the cigarette among men of French blood.

Such a dash of sunlight had fallen at her feet that she hardly dared look at it for fear of being dazzled; but she could not look anywhere that she did not see the reflection. In the mean time the carful of people settled again into sullen quietude. The cold was not found propitious to quarrelling.