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Updated: August 26, 2024

Four rhymes seem to be specially the property of schoolboys, being found in Accidences, Spellers, "Logick" Primers, and other school-books, down even to the present day. "This book is one thing, My fist's another, If you touch the one thing, You'll feel the other." "Hic liber eat meus And that I will show Si aliquis capit I'll give him a blow."

But now to returne backe to speake of other dooings, as in other parts of this land they fell out. For capit indulgentia mentes, Asperitas odium sæuáque bella mouet. Odimus accipitrem, quia viuit semper in armis, Er pauidum solitos in pecus ire lupos. At caret insidijs hominum, quia mitis hirundo est, Quásque colat turres Chaonîs ales habet.

Tunc Imperator prius iacit quinque sagittas, postea alij: tunc Imperator dicit, Eya, hoc est, mina bestijs, et sicut quilibet capit sagittam suam signatam, percussam, aliis recedentibus ad sua loca. Odericus.

"Magno veluti cum flamma sonore Virgea suggeritur costis undantis ahem, Exsultantque aatu latices, furit intus aquae vis. Fumidus atque alte spumis exuberat amnis, Nec jam se capit unda; volat vapor ater ad auras;" Nor can the wave now contain itself; the black steam flies all abroad." that he must of necessity cruelly constrain himself to moderate it.

But this is undoubtedly what is now called Monaco; the harbour of which exactly tallies with what Strabo says of the Portus Monaeci neque magnas, neque multas capit naves, It holds but a few vessels and those of small burthen. Ptolomy, indeed, seems to mention it under the name of Herculis Portus, different from the Portus Monaeci.

"To r.e., re c.a.p., cap, recap i.t, it, re capit Lor'! what a twister! u, recapitu l.a.t.e, late, re-cap-it-u-late the events de-tailed in my last letter, full stop there! if I han't read that full stop out loud! Ruby yawned. It is true she had drawn the dimity curtains all but a couple of inches.

"Hos inter fremitus novosque lusus.... Stat sexus rudis insciusque ferri, Et pugnas capit improbus viriles;" which I should think strange and incredible, if we were not accustomed every day to see in our own wars many thousands of men of other nations, for money to stake their blood and their lives in quarrels wherein they have no manner of concern.

Sir Robert Filmer, Camden's friend, states that the English historian sent all that he was not suffered to print to his correspondent Thuanus, who printed it all faithfully in his annals without altering a word. On the tomb of our next author stands the epitaph Urna capit cineres, nomen non orbe tenetur.

See the early authorities and discussions on the principle stated in the text, in Frisi, Del modo di regolare i Fiumi e i Torrenti, libro iii., capit. i., and Mongotti, Idraulica, ii., pp. 88 et seqq., and see p. 498, note, ante. In my account of these improvements I have chiefly followed Fossombroni, under whose direction they were principally executed.

"Ad Laudes et ad Vesperas ant. cum Psalm. de Feria; Capit. Hym. Vers. et Antiph. ad Benedictus vel ad magnificat cum oratione aut in Proprio aut de Communi ad Horas minores et Complet. aut cum Psalm semper dicitur de occurrente Feria. Ad Primam pro Lectione breve legitur capit. Nonae ex Proprio, vel de Communi. Ad Tertiam, sextam et Nonam, capit.

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