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The eminent geologist Staring, however, who briefly refers to the subject in De Bodem van Nederland, i., p. 356 et seqq., does not consider the evidence sufficient to prove anything more than the sinking of the surface of the polders from drying and consolidation.

If we suppose the level of the water on one side of the island to be raised by the action of currents three or four feet higher than on the other, the existence of cavities and channels in the rock would easily account for a subterranean current beneath the island, and the apertures of escape might be so deep or so small as to elude observation. See Aus der Natur, vol. xix., pp. 129 et seqq.

Elisee Reclus, La Terre, vol. i., p. 467. On the chemical composition, quantity, and value of the solid matter transported by river, see Herve Magnon, Sur l'Emploi des Eaux dans les Irrigations, 8vo. Paris, 1869, pp. 132 et seqq. Duponchel, Traite d'Hydraulique et de Geologie Agricoles.

See the early authorities and discussions on the principle stated in the text, in Frisi, Del modo di regolare i Fiumi e i Torrenti, libro iii., capit. i., and Mongotti, Idraulica, ii., pp. 88 et seqq., and see p. 498, note, ante. In my account of these improvements I have chiefly followed Fossombroni, under whose direction they were principally executed.

Very interesting observations, on the agency of the squirrel and other small animals in planting and in destroying nuts and other seeds of trees, may be found in a paper on the Succession of Forests in Thoreau's Excursions, pp. 135 et seqq. I once saw several quarts of beech-nuts taken from the winter quarters of a family of flying squirrels in a hollow tree.

The granary, the stables, the roof, the very beds swarmed with serpents, and the family were obliged to abandon its habitation. Dr. Viaugrandmarais, of Nantes, reported to the prefect of his department more than two hundred recent cases of viper bites, twenty-four of which proved fatal. Tristia, p. 176 et seqq.

In the era of savage anarchy which followed the beneficent reforms of 1789, economical science was neglected, and statistical details upon the amount of the destruction of woods during that period are wanting. XXXV., p. 411 et seqq. Similar circumstances produced a like result, though on a far smaller scale, in Italy, at a very recent period. Increased Demand for Lumber.

The variety of small monuments due to the industry of ancient Egypt is infinite, and a methodical study of those monuments has yet to be made. It is a task which promises many surprises to whomsoever shall undertake it. From the inscription upon the obelisk of Hatshepsût which is still erect at Karnak. For a translation in full see Records of the Past, vol. xii., p. 131, et seqq. Mr.

See his Excursions, pp. 215 et seqq. Few men have personally noticed so many facts in natural history accessible to unscientific observation as Thoreau, and yet he had never seen that very common and striking spectacle, the phosphorescence of decaying wood, until, in the latter years of his life, it caught his attention in a bivouac in the forests of Maine.

Perhaps this would not be an unexampled praegnantia for Tacitus. For sentire in the sense of experiencing especially evil, see Hor. Od. 2, 7, 10, and other examples in Freund sub v. VII. Classis Othoniana. Ad rem. cf. His. 2, 12, seqq. Licenter vaga. Roaming in quest of plunder. Intemelios, Cf. note, 2, 13. In praediis suis. On her own estates. Praedia includes both lands and buildings.