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"Harry," remarked the physician, "your dog won't be shot by order of the court." It proved a glorious affair, that picnic by the edge of the lake. Tom and Dan took Clara and Susie out in the canoe to watch them as they fished. The other four boys fell to with a will, reweaving in new guy ropes and erecting the tent again. Then firewood was gathered in armfuls and several campfires started.

"And now, ho, for the boundless West!" cried Dave, when the party was on its way to the depot. "Now for the plains and the mountains, the canyons and the rivers, the cattle and the broncos, the campfires and the cowboys, and the lasso and the rifle, the " "Hello, Dave is wound up!" interrupted the senator's son. "Must have some of that ranch air in his lungs already," added Phil.

Five sultry days had I spent wandering unnoticed, ungreeted, and disdained, an alien in a hostile land, tolerated but unwelcome. Five evenings had I witnessed the tents begin to glow and the campfires kindle until the valley became hooped about as if by a million giant fireflies.

Dick advanced till within a few yards of the sentinel, whose form he could make out, it being outlined against the light background made by the campfires. "Halt!" ordered the sentinel. "Give the countersign before you come any further." "I don't know the countersign," replied Dick, quietly. "But I am a friend, and I wish to see the commander in charge of this army." "Humph.

Then, mounting awkwardly because of the large, lumpy bag of candy which she must carry in her hands for want of a pocket large enough to hold it, she rode away to the Indian camp. The camp was merely a litter of refuse and the ashes of various campfires, with one wikiup standing forlorn in the midst.

Naturally cheerful and usually alive with the optimism of youth, the air seemed to him that night to be filled with menacing signals. Often he started at familiar sounds. The clank of arms to which he had been so long used sent a chill down his spine. As the campfires died, the gloom that hung over the Wilderness became for him heavier and more ominous.

In a still sunny gulch which shadows would presently fill to the brim, Casey Ryan was reaching, soiled bandanna in his hand, to pull a pot of bubbling coffee from the coals, a pot now blackened with the smoke of many campfires to prove how thoroughly a part of the open land it had become.

It was just as dark in the American camp on the coast, but there were many campfires burning, and by the light of these and numberless lanterns there were busy preparations making for the forward march, which was to begin in the morning.

"The man who had led the soldiers from battle, whom they had acclaimed as triumphant and laurel-crowned Caesar, around their campfires, was a poor condottiere , who possessed nothing in the world except his clothes, his buff jerkin and his heavy sword.

And there?..." Pierre pointed to another knoll in the distance with a big tree on it, near a village that lay in a hollow where also some campfires were smoking and something black was visible. "That's his again," said the officer. "Then how about our position?" "Our position?" replied the officer with a smile of satisfaction.