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There is something terrible in that strong emotion which sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly overpowers the calmest and most controlled natures. It speaks of an agony so measureless, so beyond the relief of sympathy, that it falls like an electric spell on the hearts of all witnesses, sweeping all minor passions into dust before it.

Stand over for twelve months! Would not Maria, long before that time, have been snapped up and carried off by one of those inordinately rich Spanish grandees who are still to be met with occasionally in Andalucia? My father's dictum, however, had gone forth; and Maria, in the calmest voice, protested that she thought it very wise.

As the calmest natures are often those the most hurried away by their contraries, so, perhaps, he awed and dazzled rather than pleased her; at least, he certainly forced himself on her interest. Still she would have started in terror if any one had said to her, "Do you love your betrothed less than when you met by that happy lake?" and her heart would have indignantly rebuked the questioner.

"Nay, but I shall catch him;" and flying down through the house, out into the narrow passage, she overtook the murket. This is what she told Rachel when she returned: "I said to him: 'My Lord, I know where Kenkenes went. And he said: 'Of a truth? in the calmest way.

She was laughing at my "din tipper," just as if the calmest people did not sometimes get the first letters of their words mixed up. While she giggled and pretended to cough the old gentleman came in sight, puffing and blowing like a porpoise, and looking very warm.

Jim Lash, the calmest, coolest, most nonchalant, best-humored Westerner Gale had ever met, had by slow degrees lost that cheerful character which would have been of such infinite good to his companions, and always he sat brooding, silently brooding. Jim had no ties, few memories, and the desert was claiming him.

He was assured that he should have a fair trial, and that his testimony should be deliberately weighed in the balance. This act of an outraged and disgusted people was one of the calmest, coolest, wisest, most deliberate on record. Law, order, and justice were at bay. Casey, under guard, walked quietly to the carriage and entered it.

It might have seemed strange to them that of all the human beings collected they should have appeared the calmest, though the look of agony which arose on Herezuelo's brow at the sight of his wife had not yet left it. Arrived at the spot where the stakes were erected and the faggots piled up, further efforts were made to induce Cazalla and Herezuelo to recant.

Every word might reach the sovereign's ears, and the day might bring promotion as well as gold and booty. Even the calmest were still in some excitement over the massacre they had helped in; the plunder was discussed, and barter and exchange were eagerly carried on.

What his place was to be only time could show. Meanwhile there was in this loneliness at least a respite. Solitude! he bathed his weary bones in it. He laved his eyelids in it, as in a woodland brook after the heat of noon. He sat on in calmest reverie till his hunger was satisfied.