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Thousands of peaceful homes give up their cherished ones, Young wives give up their bridegrooms, old mothers give their sons; Manhood gives up its work, and eager youth its dream: The reign of sense is over, the spirit rules supreme. No victims of brute rage, no hirelings trained to fight, But men in calmest manhood, fresh from the hearthstone's light.

I therefore replied to Righelini in the calmest manner possible, that one or two nuns might be had for money, but that it could happen very rarely on account of the difficulties in most convents.

Evidently they thought that it had been indeed a wraith at which they had fired. Swiftly now they hurried to the nearest of the gold-laden cars. We could hear them, breaking in where the guards had either been rendered unconscious or had fled. I looked around at Maude Euston. She was the calmest of us all as she whispered: "They are in the car. Can't we DO something?"

Jean Valjean we shall henceforth not speak of him otherwise had risen. He said to Fantine in the gentlest and calmest of voices: "Be at ease; it is not for you that he is come." Then he addressed Javert, and said: "I know what you want." Javert replied: "Be quick about it!" There lay in the inflection of voice which accompanied these words something indescribably fierce and frenzied.

Nearly every man in that crowd was calm, but Bob Brownley was the calmest of them all. It's the Exchange code that at any cost of heart or nerve-tear a man must retain good form until the gong strikes. Then, that he must be as near the uncaged tiger as human mind and body can be made. Only I realised what volcano raged inside my chum's bosom.

The King said: "They that have devised this burden of age may surely stay it, pray therefore on the calmest evening of the year to the gods above the twilight that I may tarry always on the earth and always young, while over my head the scourges of the gods pass and alight not." Then answered Yamen: "The King hath commanded, yet among the blessings of the gods there always cries a curse.

In the Mediterranean, even in the calmest weather, a light pleasant breeze springs up after sunset; this and the cloudless sky, and unobscured brilliancy of the stars, are attractions sufficient to allure the most somnolent and unromantic mortal to remain on deck.

'I suppose the best general is always the calmest, both in victory and defeat, murmured Rowland, without taking his eyes from his men. 'If you would oblige me by not talking, said Mr Gwynne nervously; 'I can never play if my opponent talks. 'I beg your pardon, said Rowland; 'I know it is very disagreeable.

Certain it is, these circumstances contributed to the success of the duke of Marlborough, who rode through the hottest of the fire with the calmest intrepidity, giving his orders with that presence of mind and deliberation which were so peculiar to his character.

Across in the fog she strained her eyes. Was that the familiar figure of Gordon moving in the dim light? There he was, now, with Drummond, the police, and the Secret Service. It was exactly as she had suspected to herself, and a smile played over her face. All was excitement, shouts, muttered imprecations. Constance was the calmest in the crowd deaf to even Drummond's "third degree."