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Dyck's name, and said to me: 'Tell him that as a Calhoun I love him, and as his father I love him ten times more. For look you, Michael, though we never ran together, but quarrelled and took our own paths, yet we are both Calhouns, and my heart is warm to him. If my son were a thousand times a criminal, nevertheless I would ache to take him by the hand." "Hush!

Thereupon he read the note, and added: "We'll see him of the Calhouns risin' high beyant poverty and misfortune some day." Old Christopher nodded. "I'm glad Miles Calhoun was buried on the hilltop above Playmore. He had his day; he lived his life. Things went wrong with him, and he paid the price we all must pay for work ill-done."

I don't want the man that's going to inherit my name, when my time comes, to bring foulness on it. We've been a rough race, we Calhouns; we've done mad, bad things, perhaps, but none has shamed us before the world none but you." "I have never shamed you, Miles Calhoun," replied his son sharply. "As the ancients said, 'alis volat propriis' I will fly with my own wings.

It was not idle rumor that said she had declined a coronet or two, that the millions of more than one American Midas had been offered to her, and that she had dealt gently but firmly with a score of hearts which had nothing but love, ambition and poverty to support them in the conflict. The Calhouns lived in a handsome home not far from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Grenfall Lorry.

"Let's forget Ireland for a moment," said she, "and talk of Charleston. Do you know many people there?" "I know most every one. The Pinckneys and Calhouns and Tredegars and Revenalls and " "Rhetts." "Yes but there are a dozen Rhetts; same as there's half a hundred Pinckneys and Calhouns, families, I mean. What's his name Richard Pinckney, your guardian, is engaged to a Rhett." "He is not."

I don't want the man that's going to inherit my name, when my time comes, to bring foulness on it. We've been a rough race, we Calhouns; we've done mad, bad things, perhaps, but none has shamed us before the world none but you." "I have never shamed you, Miles Calhoun," replied his son sharply. "As the ancients said, 'alis volat propriis' I will fly with my own wings.

"Sheila Sheila!" said Dyck Calhoun to himself where he stood. The journey to Dublin was made by the Calhouns, their two guests, and Michael Clones, without incident of note. Arrived there, Miles Calhoun gave himself to examination by Government officials and to assisting the designs of the Peep-o'-Day Boys; and indeed he was present at the formation of the first Orange Lodge.

When the Calhouns had been but five years in their forest home, the Cherokees attacked the settlement, destroyed it utterly, killed one half the men, and drove the rest to the lower country; whence they dared not return till the peace of 1763. Patrick Calhoun was elected to command the mounted rangers raised to protect the frontiers, a duty heroically performed by him.

I patched up a peace between them last midsummer, but I suppose the patches didn't stick; he's fought with the Revenalls, he's fought with the Calhouns, he's fought with the Beauregards, he's fought with the Tredegars that man would fight with his own front teeth if he couldn't get anything better to fight with, and now he's dying I expect he reckons to have a fight with me, just to finish off with.

They will be remembered and felt beneficially long after the miserable slanders of Tory envy and malignity at home, and the clamors of slaveholders abroad, detected in their guilt, and writhing in the gaze of Christendom, shall have perished forever, when the Clays and Calhouns, the Peels and Wellingtons, the opponents of reform in Great Britain and the enemies of slave emancipation in the United States, shall be numbered with those who in all ages, to use the words of the eloquent Lamartine, have "sinned against the Holy Ghost in opposing the improvement of things, in an egotistical and stupid attempt to draw back the moral and social world which God and nature are urging forward."