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Updated: August 28, 2024

His trunk he left behind, promising to send for it when he had found a new boarding place. There was a chorus of good byes. Rodney waved his handkerchief in general farewell, and the carriage started for the depot. "Be you goin' for good?" asked Joel, the driver, who knew Rodney well and felt friendly to him. "Yes, Joel." "It's kind of sudden, isn't it?" "Yes." "What makes you go?"

"Aye, ye little dhivils, beggin' yer pardon, Masther Harry, an' thankin' the Howly Mither that their good-for-nothin' little bones ain't broke to bits. Av they saw a hippypottymus hitched to Pharaoh's chariot, they'd think 'emselves jist the byes to take the bossin' av it, the spalpeens."

Their dinner finished, they rose, stretching and eructating in true Rabelaisian fashion. "A stroll in the Park, byes, now. And then the feathers," said Flynn, passing the chewing gum. "A fine lot, ain't they, Mr. Benham?" said Jerry to me as they filed out. "Extraordinary," I replied, with a fictitious smile, "most extraordinary." He grinned at me and followed them.

Seven goals, or byes, or tallies, or scores, or something we are not au fait on foot-ball phraseology constituted the game, which was won by the freshmen, the sophs coming out second best each time. Foot-ball is a new institution on the Campus, but bids fair to be popular, at least on cool days.

"What is it?" asked Amaryllis, as Dick turned to a shout, waving his hand. "I don't want to know what he wants, so I take his antics for good byes. Come on let's get into the thick of this lot." "Was he suspicious?" she asked, when a bend in the road had hidden "The Royal George" and even the village green. "Melchard? Yes on general principles. No more than that unless "

"I don't know a damn thing about your timber, byes," said he, "but I like your looks. I'll go in wid ye. Have a seegar; they cost me a dollar apiece." The sum invested was absurdly, inadequately small. "It'll have to spread as thin as it can," said Cathcart. They spent the entire season camping in the mountains.

It didn't cost much to get us to the Klondike, and so that don't count. I have delivered to the mint all the gold we brought back, and have been paid one hundred and twenty thousand dollars for it. You know what was done by the two men that visited us at the diggings?" "The byes and mesilf had the idea that they bought out your claim." "That's it.

"Oh, by this and by that," the corporal grumbled on, "ould Lee's not the gintleman I tuk him for at all, at all, discomfortin' us in the rain, and yesterday an illigant day for fightin'. Couldn't he wait, like the dacint ould boy he's reported, for a dhry mornin', instead av turnin' his byes out in the shlush and destroyin' me chanst av breakfast? It's spring chickens I'd ordhered."

Here Nathan, with great gallantry, insisted on getting down on his stiff marrow-bones to put on Miss Clendenning's boots, while the young men and Oliver tied on the girls' hoods, amid "good- byes" and "so glads" that he could come home if only for a day, and that he had not forgotten them, Oliver's last words being whispered in Miss Clendenning's ear informing her that he would come over in the morning and see her about a matter of the greatest importance.

Judy had made an earnest endeavour to be one of the party; and Matilda did not know how, but the endeavour had failed. And now the early dinner was eaten, her little travelling bag was packed, the carriage was at the door, good byes were said, and Matilda got into the carriage.

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