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"Well, I had to have my hair cut, because the boys at the picnic filled my hair with burdock burrs, and it couldn't be combed out," said the boy, as he took a match and scratched it on top of his head, and lit it, while the uncle sniffed at the burned hair.

It was the summer that I myself was born. I can remember hearing my father and mother talk about it before I could see. My father used to go and see them, and report their progress to my mother on his return. "They can see to-day." "They have curled themselves up. Every one of them. Six beautiful little balls; as round as crab-apples and as safe as burrs!"

It sometimes happened that a pause in the urgency of business permitted Hugh to take a day's holiday. One of these falling soon after the frosts had opened the burrs of the chestnut- trees, and the shells of the hickories, Fleda seized upon it for a nutting frolic.

So, too, many seeds are provided with burrs and spikes, which stick in sheep's wool, dog's hair, or the clothing of people, and so travel abroad, to the far country the land of growth, the land of promise.

In the morning, we would find the little fellow sitting quietly in his tracks, unable to move, for the burrs stuck to his feet. Another way of snaring rabbits and grouse was the following: We made nooses of twisted horse-hair, which we tied very firmly to the top of a limber young tree, then bent the latter down to the track and fastened the whole with a slip-knot, after adjusting the noose.

With the reward had come the knowledge she had found both in Nicholas's eyes; and as she felt the thrust of self-abasement, she felt also that for the sake of that look she would have kissed a dozen Burrs a dozen times. "You are very kind," said the governor. "But you know I have an empty house." Then he put his arm about Marthy Burr and assisted her down the steps to the walk below.

"Chestnuts," said Jacko the hand organ monkey. "They are chestnuts, and they fell off the trees and hit you. No one was throwing stones at you, though the prickly burrs inside of which the chestnuts are, seem as large as stones." "Chestnuts, eh?" spoke Curly. "What good are they?" "To eat," answered the monkey. "We will build a fire and roast some, and you will like them very much."

He was a ruffle-shirted Pharisee, who affected the airs of a bishop, and resembled Cruikshank's pictures of Pecksniff. There have not been many "Old Poms" in our public life; or, for that matter Aaron Burrs either, and but one Benedict Arnold.

As I neared its base I came to a flat rock, perhaps fifty feet square. I heard some pounding noise as I came near, but what ever it was, it ceased on my approach. There were many signs of the rock being used as a camp, such as pine burrs, bones of various kinds of animals, and other remains of food which lay every where about and on the rock.

Let's find a tree that has a lot of nuts on it, and shake it. Then the nuts will fall down, and they won't get under the leaves. We can easily pick them up then." "Good!" cried Bert Bobbsey. "We'll do it." They searched through the woods until they found just the tree they wanted. Looking up they could see the burrs clinging to the branches.