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It was like a green leaf flutterin' down in a dead wood. To a proud and hopeful man, bubblin' with music, the pain of neglect, when he come to realize it, was terrible. But nothing was said, and there was nothing to say. In silence he had to endure and suffer.

But I knowed he couldn't do that, becuz I could ketch him by one arm, and hold him off me 'n' Benny's practised it in the crick and I swum up to him; and he went down ag'in, and when he come up ag'in, his face was all soakin' wet like he'd been cryin' under the water, and he says, kind o' bubblin' like this," the boy made the sound.

These hundreds and thousands of years, and I don't know how much longer, they have kep' themselves separate from each other, livin' nigh neighbors there down under the ground, but never neighborin' with each other, or intermarryin' in each other's families. No, they have kep' themselves apart, livin' exclosive down below and bubblin' up exclosive.

But it allus come out the nighest side-channel, an' not bubblin' up an' up. 'But with niver a wink at the helm? 'No; nor you. It's agin reason. I'll leave it to any man! Bettles appealed to the circle about the stove, but the fight was on between himself and Lon McFane. 'Reason or no reason, it's the truth I'm tellin' ye.

Those most concerned assembled after his departure and heard the result of the interview. "Solemn as a minister he swore," explained Mr. I half felt the oath was vain then, an' 't was his real nature bubblin' up like." They discussed the matter, all save Chris, who sat apart, silent and abstracted.

I'll come down hansum, and do the thing genteel, you may depend. Then, sais you, 'put in for a back ground that noble, old Noah-like lookin' wood, that's as dark as comingo. Have you done? sais you. "'I guess so, sais he. "'Then put in a brook jist in front of it, runnin' over stones, and foamin' and a bubblin' up like any thing. "'It's in, sais he.

Just what a sick negro might wear, and it hid his straight hair." The lieutenant appeared fairly satisfied, but requested that Lund go on board his ship. He stayed there until sundown, returning in hilarious mood. "We've slipped it over on 'em this time," he said. "I left 'em aswim with sake, an' bubblin' over with polite regrets. But they'll be back in three weeks, they said, if the ice is open.

At last Dan Boggs, who's always bubblin' that a-way, speaks up: "'Which I'm shore sorry, says Dan, 'you don't fetch the moosic of that Purple Blossom's war-song West. I deems that a mighty excellent lay, an' would admire to learn it an' sing it some myse'f. I'd shore go over an' carol it to Red Dog; it would redooce them drunkards to frenzy." Where Whiskey Billy Died.

You've no ideer of the glee he bottles up inside himself. Fair bubblin' and sparklin' in him, it is. Some day he'll bust out with it. I shouldn't be surprised if, at any moment now, he was to break out into song." Booty, very hot and uncomfortable under Mrs. Ransome's eyes, affected to reprove him. "You dry up, you young rotter. Jolly lot of bottlin' up there is about you."

Eh! but it's a fearful queer country is yon! Gert nabs o' rock on all sides wheer nobbut goats can clim, an' becks flowin' undergrund an' then bubblin' up i' t' crofts an' meadows. On t' other side frae our steading were a cove that fowks called Janet's Cove. They telled all maks an' manders o' tales about t' cove an' reckoned it were plagued wi' boggards.