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When they reached the end of the dark passage-way they feared that trouble was brewing, for a score of dark, coarse faces lowered at them, and the fellow that Belle had punished glared at her above his bandaged face. Paying no heed to them, however, they took a brief, quick walk, and returned to find the entrance blocked by an increasing number of dangerous-looking young ruffians.

To see the dingy cloud come drooping down, obscuring everything, one might have thought that nature lived hard by, and was brewing on a large scale. The door of Scrooge's counting-house was open, that he might keep his eye upon his clerk, who in a dismal little cell beyond, a sort of tank, was copying letters.

Iron and copper founding, brewing, tanning, and the manufacture of gunpowder, confectionery, heavy iron goods, gloves, boots and shoes and cotton goods are also carried on. Commerce is carried on in wine, brandy and building-stone.

Are the attacks upon the distillers merely a ruse to conceal the fact that officers, directors and thousands of stockholders of the largest brewing companies in all parts of the country are either wholesale or retail whiskey dealers, or saloon keepers, or both? If the brewers are sincere in their promise to divorce beer from whiskey, why have they not closed their own whiskey stores?

The old woman, who had been suspiciously watching my movements, rushed out after me as I left the house, crying out that a storm was brewing, that it was too late to go far, and night would be full of danger. I waved my hand in good-bye, laughingly reminding her that I was proof against all perils.

Observations on the foregoing Account. This Excellent Philosophical Account of Brewing October Beer, has hitherto remained in private Hands as a very great Secret, and was given to a Friend of mine by the Author himself, to whom the World is much obliged, altho' it comes by me; In justice therefore to this ingenious Person, I would here mention his Name, had I leave for so doing; but at present this Intimation must suffice.

As the darkness closed in, certain ragged clouds which had lain low on the eastern horizon coalesced and formed a great irregular cumulus. The glass was still low, and I knew that there was mischief brewing. About nine o'clock a dull moaning sound came up from the sea, as from a creature who, much harassed, learns that the hour of suffering has come round again.

Jean Siffren Maury, abbe, the eloquent supporter of the monarchical cause. Campbell. We were au dessert, that is, the party which dined here after they returned from Egham. . . . His visit put out of my head, in a minute, all the pretty French phrases which I was brewing. . . . Mr.

"Ah! I wonder how long your time will last!" muttered Bernhoff to himself as he withdrew "Six months or six days? I would not bet on the longer period!" In good truth there was considerable reason for the General's dubious outlook on affairs. A political storm was brewing.

The angry blood burned in his face, his hands were involuntarily clenched, he was impatient with himself for having, as he thought, let Landon off too easily. He saw at once the possibility of mischief brewing, and hastily considered how it could best be circumvented. "The simplest way out of it is to make a clean breast of everything," he decided, at last.