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We followed it now, crossed the Warvi, the Wainunmema, and the Vollir all which enlarged into shallow lagoons or swamps, before they were lost between the mangrove thickets. At the banks of the Vollir, some constant springs exist, which induced Sir Gordon Bremer to choose that place for a settlement, and on which Victoria at present stands.

Did not he love books, and why then should he quarrel with Marjorie? It was not for loving books, but for loving books better than anything! Had Mrs. Browning loved books better than anything, or Mary Somerville, or Fredrika Bremer? yes, Fredrika Bremer had refused to be married, but there was Marjorie's favorite "Tell me all about Linnet," said Marjorie, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

He was much taken with the promising nature of the country, both on the Brisbane and its tributary, the Bremer, and great hopes, happily fulfilled, were entertained of the success of the new settlement. During this year Mr. Cunningham had undertaken another journey to Liverpool Plains.

As before stated, we were camped at the ranch of Van Bremer Bros. On our return Col. Bellinger and I had to give up our quarters in an out house to accommodate the wounded men and after that we slept, when we slept at all, on the frozen ground with two thicknesses of blanket beneath us. Under such circumstances it may easily be imagined that our periods of sleep were of short duration.

Barnum! you are too fat and lazy; you cannot stand it to play ball with me." The celebrated Swedish authoress, Fredericka Bremer, spent a few days with them in their Havana retreat. Soon after arriving at Havana, Barnum made a discovery.

From her shallow draft of water she was enabled to play a conspicuous part in most of the operations in the Chinese seas. Finding that the Chinese, though carrying on negotiations, were making strenuous preparations for war, Sir Gordon Bremer resolved to attack Canton.

After visiting most shrines of interest in the Holy Land, Miss Bremer extended her tour to the Turkish sea-coast, and investigated all that was worth seeing at Beyrout, Tripoli, Latakia, Rhodes, Smyrna, and Constantinople.

Fredrika Bremer and Hans Christian Andersen on the Young Singer. Her Début in Berlin. Becomes Prima Donna at the Royal Theatre. Beginning of the Lind Enthusiasm that overran Europe. She appears in Dresden in Meyerbeer's New Opera, "Feldlager in Schliesen." Offers throng in from all the Leading Theatres of Europe. The Grand Furore in Every Part of Germany.

After these true, or warranted true histories, we read a novel not half so romantic or entertaining, the Widow Barnaby in America, and then we tried a Swedish story, not by Miss Bremer, of smugglers and murderers, and a self-devoted lady, and an idiot boy, the best drawn and most consistent character in the book.

It must be remembered that this settlement was finally, after many removals, abandoned, and the one established at Port Essington, when Leichhardt arrived there, was a second attempt at colonisation. The TAMAR, under captain Bremer, left Sydney in August, 1824, having with her the COUNTESS OF HARCOURT, and that ever useful colonial brig, the LADY NELSON.