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Updated: October 2, 2024
Barnum! you are too fat and lazy; you cannot stand it to play ball with me." The celebrated Swedish authoress, Fredericka Bremer, spent a few days with them in their Havana retreat. Soon after arriving at Havana, Barnum made a discovery.
For instance, only a few weeks previous to her meeting with Braxmar she had been visiting at the country estate of the Corscaden Batjers, at Redding Hills, Long Island, and had been sitting with her hostess in the morning room of Hillcrest, which commanded a lovely though distant view of Long Island Sound. Mrs. Fredericka Batjer was a chestnut blonde, fair, cool, quiescent a type out of Dutch art.
Her real name was Fredericka Grimball, but to "her girls" she was always known as Ricky. The camp was among the hills ten miles from Fairview. And during the vacation months Ricky took her girls there in groups of twenty. With their play she gave them instruction in scoutcraft. "We go for tramps into the woods and she tells us stories of the birds and trees.
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