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Yes, if one can trust English sources of information! But I can assure you, according to better information, that the English in 1839 advanced upon Afghanistan with no less than 21,000 combatants and a transport of 70,000 men and 60,000 camels. They marched through the Bolan Pass, took Kandahar and Ghazni, entered Cabul, and placed Shah Shuja upon the throne.

"It will be only for a moment, while Mr. Bolan states very briefly his exact purpose in coming here." Larry bows. "To see once more the girl he could not forget," says he. "Humph!" says she, curlin' her upper lip. "Very pretty, I suppose. But let me assure you that foolish young person ceased to exist several years ago."

Because this station at Douchak might be the terminus of a line from British India through the Afghan frontier, Kandahar, the Bolan Pass and the Pendjeh oasis, that would unite the two systems." "And how long would the line be?" "About six hundred miles. But the English will not meet the Russians in a friendly way.

The Craft’s the trick so help meand he brings forward that same Chief that I left at Bashkai Billy Fish we called him afterwards, because he was so like Billy Fish that drove the big tank-engine at Mach on the Bolan in the old days. ‘Shake hands with himsays Dravot, and I shook hands and nearly dropped, for Billy Fish gave me the Grip.

The Bolan is an abrupt defile a rent in the range, the bottom filled with the pebbly bed of a mountain torrent. This steep ramp forms for sixty miles the road from Dadur, elevation 750 feet, to the Dasht-i-Bedowlat, elevation 6,225 feet.

Among the rocks of this stupendous defile, our men pitched their tents, and toiled on again day after day, over a wretched road, covered with loose flint-stones, surmounting, at first by a scarcely perceptible ascent, and afterwards by a difficult acclivity, the great Brahoo chain of hills. The Bolan Pass is nearly sixty miles in length. The passage was accomplished in six days.

"Then you're nutty in the head, Mr. Larry Bolan," says I; "for I've known her these two years, and never heard of her being an ex-nurse." "She might not care to boast of it," says he. "Rich, did you say?" "Near a million, they say," says I; "which don't fit in with the nurse idea, does it?" "I couldn't mistake Katie McDevitt," says he, waggin' his head mulish. "But who was this Steele beggar?"

Unfortunately the same false economy which had so delayed the advance after the massacre of Cavaignari, by the instant break-up of the transport trains, again operated to delay General Phayre; and although every possible effort was made, the force advancing from the Bolan could not reach Candahar until after that coming down from Cabul, although the latter had many times the distance to march.

Havenant. 'We couldn't have a better place for the working men's club than old Parker's cottage, said the Vicar, addressing himself to Colonel Wendover. 'If Russia advances a foot farther, there must be war in Beloochistan, said Dr. Rylance; 'and if England is blind to the exigencies of the situation, I should like to know how you are going to get your troops through the Bolan Pass.

When the column reached a cultivated tract of country, the green crops were used as forage for the horses. The ryots were liberally paid on the spot; but the agents of the Beloochee chiefs often plundered the unhappy cultivators of the money that had been paid to them, even in front of the British camp. The Bolan Pass was more formidable.