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But does Dana know what he had to be thankful for, in getting off with one dress? Tell him, ye patient husbands, whose pockets seem to be made like lemons, only to be squeezed! Tell him, ye insatiate ones, who have new wants and new ideas every day! Dana's dress was, probably, an holan batista, which he calls "Bolan"; it was, in other words, a figured linen cambric.

"Has there been a funeral interrupted or anything of that kind?" asked Gerald. "Nothing of the sort. I wish Bolan were here. He might have something to say about it." Bolan was the sexton. Gerald knew where he lived, within a stone's throw of the spot, and volunteered to fetch him. Dr. Lynn looked all over the sinister black box, but no plate or mark of any kind rewarded his search.

Marching from Shikapore, the army advanced for fifty miles through the dark defiles of the Bolan Pass, lofty mountains covered with snow towering above their heads.

Further back in the Bolan Willshire with the Bombay column was faring worse; he was plundered severely by tribal marauders. By May 4th the main body of the army was encamped in the plain of Candahar. From the Kojuk, Shah Soojah and his contingent had led the advance toward the southern capital of the dominions from the throne of which he had been cast down thirty years before.

You never heard of my old uncle, did you? Come with me to him, and see me make it up; for I can't leave you this way, Katie, I just can't!" "Larry!" says she, and with that they goes to a fond clinch. "Help!" says I, and slides through the door. When I gets home Sadie wants to know what I've done with Mr. Bolan. "Towed him up to Hymen's gate," says I, "and left him bein' yanked through by Mrs.

It has been stated that grazing was scarce in the region of the Bolan: in 1879 more than four thousand bullocks were grazed there during the summer, and large quantities of forage were cut for winter use. Any prolonged military operations in Afghanistan must, to a certain extent, utilize hired transport, although there are many objections urged.

There's nothin' friendly, though, about the straight, tight-lipped mouth, or the surprised look in her eyes as she discovers me standin' there. "Mr. McCabe?" says she. "You see," says I, grinnin' foolish, "there's a chap outside who who has a batty idea he used to know you." "Really?" says she, narrowin' her eyes a bit. "Bolan's the name, Ma'am," I goes on, "Larry Bolan."

My purpose in this journey was to study and know, at home, the peoples who inhabit India and their customs, the grand and mysterious archæology, and the colossal and majestic nature of their country. Wandering about without fixed plans, from one place to another, I came to mountainous Afghanistan, whence I regained India by way of the picturesque passes of Bolan and Guernaï.

The Craft's the trick, so help me! and he brings forward that same Chief that I left at Bashkai Billy Fish we called him afterward, because he was so like Billy Fish that drove the big tank-engine at Mach on the Bolan in the old days. 'Shake hands with him, says Dravot; and I shook hands and nearly dropped, for Billy Fish gave me the Grip.

Three strategic passes lead from Afghanistan into India: the Khyber Pass, the Bolan Pass, and the Kuram Valley. When, in 1878, the English marched into Afghanistan they proceeded in three columns from Peshawar, Kohat, and Quetta to Cabul, Ghazni, and Kandahar respectively. These three roads have also been laid down as our lines of march. Public opinion considers them the only possible routes.