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Exhausted with the unequal combat, the wounded man sunk half fainting into the arms of the prince; his companion informed my master that the man whose life he had saved was the Marquis Civitella, a nephew of the Cardinal A . As the marquis' wounds bled freely, Biondello acted as surgeon to the best of his ability, and the prince took care to have him conveyed to the palace of his uncle, which was near at hand, and whither he himself accompanied him.

Fires were made, but the rock thawed irregularly and much time was lost. Festing's bruised hand gave him trouble, his mittens wore to rags, and his numbed fingers cracked and bled, but he worked savagely until evening. Then he walked stiffly to the shack and sat, dejected and aching, looking at the food on the table.

He put up a white handkerchief to his nose, and walking to the master said, "Please, sir, my nose is bleeding. May I go out for a minute?" "Your nose bleeding? That's the third time your nose has bled this week, and other boys have also come with their noses bleeding." "Do you doubt my word, sir?" asked Wilton, his handkerchief still held up, and assuming an injured air.

In a few seconds 30 were on my hand digging away; 10 were on my forefinger, 8 on my thumb; between these was the frog, a creature with many resemblances to man red blood, a smooth, naked, soft skin, etc. and yet not a mosquito attacked it. Scores had bled my hand before one alighted on the frog, and it leaped off again as though the creature were red hot.

The doctor found that Miles had an ankle out of joint; the little toe was badly crushed; there was a bad cut in the leg, that had bled profusely; there was a black bruise over the short ribs on the right side, and there was a button-hole in the scalp that needed about four stitches.

Helena; and many a Frenchman who had fought and bled for France was now amongst them begging for a little support to prolong a life which would be forfeited on the parent soil.

'What's that brown on your dress? he asked instead. 'That? Oh, that's from a rabbit as I loosed out'n a trap. It bled awful. 'Little sneak, to let it out. 'Sneak's trick to catchen un, so tiny and all, replied Hazel composedly. 'Well, you'd better change your dress; it's very wet, and there's plenty here, said he, going to a chest and pulling out an armful of old-fashioned gowns.

We tumbled over each other to get back into the open sunshine on the top of the tower, and Alice's hand got jammed between the edge of the doorway and H. O.'s boot; it was bruised black and blue, and another part bled, but she did not notice it till long after. 'What was that? 'He HAS waked up, Alice said. 'Oh, I know he has. Of course there is a door for him to get out by when he wakes.

Before leaving Paris he had had an intrigue with a certain Mile. M , a somewhat frivolous and unscrupulous beauty, who had bled his not overfilled purse with the avidity of a leech. Berlioz heard just before returning to Paris that the coquette was about to marry, a conclusion one would fancy which would have rejoiced his mind.

There was then little to give the man far down when the one to whom he of necessity looked for employment was in his turn bled by the merchant or the banker of the larger cities, to whom he had to go for extensive credits.