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Updated: August 5, 2024

Highmore's book is an important one in the history of embryology, since it is the first treatment of embryogeny from the atomistic viewpoint and because it contains the first published observations based upon microscopic examination of the chick blastoderm.

Let the Creator say, if you like, 'I will establish an antipathetic symbiosis between thee and the female, and between thy blastoderm and her blastoderm. Nobody will understand you; and Savvy will think you are swearing. The meaning is the same. HASLAM. Priceless. But it's quite simple. The one version is poetry: the other is science.

Take a small india-rubber ball not of the inflated kind, nor of the solid kind, but of the kind about an inch or so in diameter with a small hole through which, under pressure, the air escapes. Suppose that instead of consisting of india-rubber its wall consists of small cells made polyhedral in form by mutual pressure, and united together. This will represent the blastoderm.

But his speech seemed to freeze in him, and just as the lightning shot two tongues that cut the whole sky into three pieces and the rain fell in quivering sheets the Blastoderm was struck dumb. He stood pawing and champing like a hard-held horse, and his eyes were full of terror. The Doctor came over in three minutes, and heard the story. "It's aphasia," he said. "Take him to his room.

I KNEW the smash would come." We carried the Blastoderm across, in the pouring rain, to his quarters, and the Doctor gave him bromide of potassium to make him sleep. Then the Doctor came back to us and told us that aphasia was like all the arrears of "Punjab Head" falling in a lump; and that only once before in the case of a sepoy had he met with so complete a case.

But the Blastoderm was not drunk. He looked at us in a dazed sort of way, and began motioning with his hands in the half light as the clouds closed overhead. Then with a scream: "What is it? Can't reserve attainable market obscure "

We call this layer the blastoderm, and the sphere itself the blastula, or embryonic vesicle. This interesting blastula is very important. The conversion of the morula into a hollow ball proceeds on the same lines originally in the most diverse stems as, for instance, in many of the zoophytes and worms, the ascidia, many of the echinoderms and molluscs, and in the amphioxus.

"But I can't understand it," repeated the Blastoderm. "It was my OWN mind and memory." "I can't help it," said the Doctor; "there are a good many things you can't understand; and, by the time you have put in my length of service, you'll know exactly how much a man dare call his own in this world." The stroke cowed the Blastoderm. He could not understand it.

Here, instead of dwelling on these details, it will be better to draw attention to the most general aspect of the facts. Whatever may be the course of subsequent changes, the first change is the formation of a superficial layer or blastoderm; and by whatever series of transformations the adult structure is reached, it is from the blastoderm that all the organs forming the adult originate.

At the lower or vegetal pole of the ovum a crown of eight large entodermic cells remains for a long time unchanged, while the other cells divide, owing to the formation of a series of horizontal circles, into an increasing number of crowns of sixteen cells each. This layer is the blastoderm, the simple epithelium from the cells of which all the tissues of the body proceed.

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