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We will go to Palestine, where Conrade, Marquis of Montserrat, is my friend a friend free as myself from the doting scruples which fetter our free-born reason rather with Saladin will we league ourselves, than endure the scorn of the bigots whom we contemn.

"We are no bigots, noble stranger," said the Grand Duke, as he took one of the bottles, and scrutinised the cork with a very keen eye; "we are no bigots, and there are moments when we drink Champagne, nor is Burgundy forgotten, nor the soft Bourdeaux, nor the glowing grape of the sunny Rhone!" His Highness held the bottle at an oblique angle with the chandelier. The wire is loosened, whirr!

I fancy they are rather a bigoted sect." "The greatest bigots have but to be convinced," said Miss Skipwith. "St. Paul was a bigot." "True. Is your book nearly finished?" "No. There are still some years of labour before me.

It is not for you that the Physiology of Marriage is addressed, for you are not married and may you never be married. You herd of bigots, snails, hypocrites, dotards, lechers, booted for pilgrimage to Rome, disguised and marked, as it were, to deceive the world. Go back, you scoundrels, out of my sight! Gallows birds are ye all now in the devil's name will you not begone?

"But dear Mr. Chrysler," he added in a moment, "you must not take us for party bigots. The masses of the Bleus are honest, and any day our own name may be desecrated by a clique of knaves, our principles represented by the other name."

"Why, all who hate the Southern cause," I replied, with a sudden turn of thought, though I never had meant to use the word. "Surely that needs no explanation." "They are delighted, are they? Yes, I can very well believe it. Narrow-minded bigots! Yes, they are sure to be delighted. They call it a just visitation, of course, a righteous retribution. And they hope I may never get over it."

His own flock, who knew the man, knew how his loyalty had been tested, and what sacrifices he had made for his adopted country. By a few religious and political bigots, however, his American origin was a cause of unjust suspicion and aspersion, which stung to the quick his sensitive nature.

That is where I lose patience with you men of science. Why don't you meet these people half-way? Women wouldn't be such bigots such cowards. If you don't help this poor girl I'll consider you a bigot and coward with the rest." "Your whole position is most feminine," said Morton, arguing as much against himself as against Kate.

Boyle varied his philosophical experiments by demonstrations of the unity of dogmatic and natural religion. So moderate and philosophical was the temper displayed by Cudworth in his "Intellectual System of the Universe," that the bigots of his day charged him with the atheistic principles which he was endeavouring to refute.

As he had been one of the annual Petitioners to Parliament for Catholic Emancipation, his sudden union with the most violent bigots was inexplicable to me. That change was the first manifestation of the mental revolution, which has suddenly made him one of the leading persecutors of Dr.