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Some folks' heads is as hard as hackmetacks you have to bore a hole in it first to put the nail in, to keep it from bendin', and then it is as touch as a bargain if you can send it home and clinch it. "Now maxims and saws are the sumtotalisation of a thing.

"'Texas,'says Boggs, settin' down his glass an' bendin' a eye full of indignant reproach on Thompson; 'Texas, before I'd give way to sech onmanly weakness, jest because my wife's done stampeded, I'd j'ine the church. Sech mush from a cow-man is disgraceful. You'll come down to herdin' sheep if you keeps on surrenderin' yourse'f to sech sloppy bluffs.

"'Is it a love story, Daddy Enright? asks Faro Nell, all eager, an' bendin' towards Enright across the layout. "'It shows brands an' y'ear marks as sech, Nellie, says Enright; 'love an' loco makes up the heft of it. "'Then tell it, urges Faro Nell. 'I'm actooally hungerin' for a love story, an' she reaches down an' squeezes Cherokee's hand onder the table.

"Ah-h-h-h!" says Ballard, bendin' over the paper bag I'm holdin'. "My favorite delicacy. And if I might be permitted to add a bottle or two of cold St. Louis " "Do you think I keep house without an icebox?" demands Zenobia. "Stop your silly speeches, and let's get into the dining-room." Some hustler, Zenobia is, too.

He must be ready for his breakfast, bendin' over that tobacco ever since sun-up." Jane took down the tin dinner horn from its peg, and went to the back door with it, and blew a long, loud blast, crumbling away in broken sounds. The baby was beating the air with its hands up and down, and gurgling its delight in the noise when she came back.

And while back in Jerusalem the blood-thirsty soldiers wuz rushin' to and fro seekin' for the young Child that they might destroy him, and in his palace King Herod lay in troubled sleep under the close-drawn curtains of the royal couch, slaves watchin' outside the room, slaves watchin' his fearful thorn-strewn pillow, the little Child that he feared and sought to destroy, slept with the clear midnight sky bendin' over his sweet slumber, its matchless blue curtain looped up with stars, hung with the great silver night lamp of the crescent moon.

"Well, I strapped and strapped away, until it would cut a single hair pulled strait up on eend out o' your head, without bendin' it take it off slick.

"'Silence! roared th' coort, bendin' a stern, inflexible look on th' pris'ner. 'This is a coort iv justice. We ar-re disposed f'r to grant ivry indulgence; but, if outsiders persist in intherferin' with these proceedin's, he says, 'we'll expel thim fr'm th' r-room. What does th' prisoner think this is?

It is a fig sycamore; its trunk is twenty feet in diameter and its branches spread out and cover a great space. But its size wuzn't what we went to see. Under this tree Joseph and Mary rested whilst they wuz fleeing to Egypt from them that sought the young Child's life. Our Lord himself had been under this very tree that wuz bendin' over me.

It seemed as if we had left small cares and vexations and worryments out there in the road and dust, and took in with us only repose and calmness, and peace, and they wuz a journeyin' along with us on the smooth road under the great trees, a bendin' down on each side on us.