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Updated: August 17, 2024

This is the history of a noble man and a model colony." "But what are Dyaks, Professor?" inquired Mrs. Belgrave. "They are natives of Borneo, though all the people are not known by this name. They are divided into Hill Dyaks and Sea Dyaks.

Another day finished Madras; and, though there was little to see, compared with the places they had visited before, Mrs. Belgrave declared they had had a good time. On the morning following they went on board of the Guardian-Mother, and she sailed for Ceylon.

I am lunching at Belgrave Square, if Maggie has not forgotten, and I shall tell you then what I have written to Paul Matinsky. I showed it to Prince Shan yesterday. Good night!" She patted Maggie's hand affectionately and flitted away.

Possibly he would not have been sorry to come into collision with Captain Mazagan and his piratical craft, judging from what he had said to Louis Belgrave, and he had pluck enough to precipitate a conflict with the enemy; but sometimes it requires more courage to keep out of a fight than to plunge into one.

Confident that a voyage at sea would build him up, he applied to Captain Ringgold for any place he could offer him. Only the position of quartermaster was available. He was glad to obtain this on board of such a steamer. He had told his story, and the commander needed just such a person. Mrs. Belgrave had married for her second husband a man who had proved to be a robber and a villain.

In less than half an hour the ship was under way again, with the Blanche following her. "How far is it to Shang-hai?" asked Mrs. Belgrave, as she met the captain in front of the pilot-house. "It is eight hundred and seventy miles, and the voyage will require two days and fourteen hours," he replied.

Now, if you look beyond Fort William, you will see the race-course." "I don't care for that," replied Mrs. Belgrave, whose memories of the sport were anything but pleasant. "Near it is the presidency jail, and there are two hospitals farther along."

Tearing the envelope open he saw in his mother's well known handwriting the following: "Dear Bernie: "Follow this man and trust him as you would your loving mother. "Fairfax Belgrave." Bernard dismissed his carriage, ordered to take him to his lodging, and spoke to the man who had accosted him, saying that he was at his service. They walked a distance and soon were at the railroad station.

She did not see any objection to such a visit, and expressed her opinion that it would be a good thing that Mary should be taken out. "She should begin to go somewhere," said Lady Cantrip. And so it was decided. On the next Friday he would come down early in his hansom and drive her up to Belgrave Square.

A comparatively small steamer like the Guardian-Mother can be twisted about by these causes, and her bow or her stern may catch on the sloping sides." "You have made out your case, Captain Ringgold; and the moral is that general truths are not invariably true," said Uncle Moses good-naturedly. "I only hope we shall not get aground," added Mrs. Belgrave.

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