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Updated: August 1, 2024

"It seems so fearful to think of her forever bound to that dreadful old grocer, whom she treats with so much deference and gentleness. The whole thing has made me sad. Hector is perfectly miserable; and, do you know, they are going to Beechleigh for Whitsuntide. Sir Patrick Fitzgerald is her uncle and, of course, Hector is going, too, and " She did not finish her sentence.

And now at Beechleigh Theodora looked out of her window on the north side the southern rooms were kept for greater than she and from there she could see a vast stretch of park, with the deer cropping the fine turf, and the lions frowning while they supported the ducal coronet over the great gates at the end of the court-yard and colonnade.

Runciman wished her to read it and then to post it, and he would ride over to Beechleigh on the day after to-morrow to tell them what arrangements he had been able to make for their journey. "It is jolly decent of him!" muttered Rupert, who had looked over Nealie's shoulder while she read the letter. "Oh, he is not half bad at the bottom, I should say!" remarked Rumple, who was wondering if Mr.

I won't come down again until dinner." And he was forced to be content with the memory of her soft smile and the evident regret in her eyes. Theodora was greatly interested in Beechleigh. To her the home of her fathers was full of sentiment, and the thought that her grandfather had ruled there pleased her. How she would love and cherish it were it her home now!

But I think when all seven of us go marching into that splendid library of his at The Paddock, he will be so dismayed to see what a lot of us there are, that he will be quite ready to take the very shortest way of getting rid of the bother of looking after us," she said to herself, with a soft little laugh which rippled through the dark room and even made itself heard in the other room across the passage where the four boys were sleeping; and Rupert, who had been having bad dreams because his lame foot was hurting rather badly, smiled in his uneasy slumber and straightway drifted off into a more profound repose, from which he did not wake until the misty September dawning crept over the wide plantations of beech and larch for which Beechleigh was famous.

It happened to suit some other arrangements of hers to spend Whitsuntide at Beechleigh, so she consented to chaperon Morella Winmarleigh without asking for a list of the guests. Hector had never conformed to any special set; he went here, there, and everywhere, and was welcomed by all.

But somehow, until this occasion, Beechleigh had never seen him within its gates, although Lady Harrowfield had praised him, and Mildred had sighed for him in vain. He saw the situation at a glance when he came into the saloon: Josiah and Theodora sitting together, neglected by every one but Barbara.

What made you think so?" "I saw you talking to him in the park this morning, and I feared you might have. I shall certainly quarrel with him one of these days." "You will have an opportunity, then, at Beechleigh, as he will be there. He is always with the Fitzgeralds," Anne said, and she tried to laugh. "But don't make a scandal, Hector." She saw his eyes blaze.

Brown had never really recovered from a slight stroke he had had on leaving Beechleigh, and of Theodora's goodness and devotion to him, and of his worship of her.

He opened the envelope with a knife which lay by his plate, and this is what he read read with whitening face and sinking heart: "BEECHLEIGH, June 5th. HECTOR, MY BELOVED! Oh, for this last time I must think of you as that!

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