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Updated: August 9, 2024

It would not harm the meat in the dilution obtained in the blood, and it was cheap and effective. Buffogen is obtained by the natives by taking the tropical toad, Buffo Nigra, enclosing it in a segment of bamboo, heating this over a slow fire and gathering the exuded juice of the dessicated batrachian. It is a very powerful substance, having an action similar to that of adrenalin and strychnine.

In days nearer our own the roost cultivated people accepted the remains of a gigantic batrachian as those of a man who had witnessed the flood, and it was the same with a tortoise found in Italy scarcely thirty years ago. Dr.

The footsteps of the cheirotherium have been found also in the Stourton quarries above mentioned. Professor Owen, who stands at the head of comparative anatomy in the present day, has expressed his belief that this last animal was the same batrachian of which he has found fragments in the new red sandstone of Warwickshire.

"I'll put him into a jolly big tub where you can grow all the water-weeds you like, Scott." Her brother, surprised and gratified, handed her the bath-towel in the depths of which reposed the batrachian. "He's really an interesting fellow, Sis," explained Scott; "he exudes a sticky, viscous fluid from his pores which is slightly toxic. I'm going to try it on a Rose-beetle."

There were also numerous tortoises, some of them reaching a great size; and Professor Owen has found in Warwickshire some remains of an animal of the batrachian order, to which, from the peculiar form of the teeth, he has given the name of labyrinthidon.

"There's another thing," said the chief of police, "which appears in several of the complaints that I received about you, that nasty animal " "What, Astaroth?" said Madame Fontaine. "Yes, that batrachian, that toad, to come down to his right name. It seems he nearly killed a woman who was pregnant "

Mr. Whitloe, Laura Magot, and I were just talking about Batrachian reptiles. Which are the best toads, the fattest?" "Or does it depend upon the dressing?" asked Mr. Whitloe. "Or the quantity of jewelry in the head?" said Laura Magot. Mr. Wilkottle smiled, bowed, and passed on. If they had called him an ass as they were ladies of the best position he would have bowed, smiled, and passed on.

It was in the Rhine-woods, of course; long years ago, in summertime. But the frog-music here was not amiable at all; never have I heard such angry batrachian vociferations. They came in a discontented and menacing chorus from ten thousand leathery throats, and almost drowned our converse as we crept along through the twilight of trees that shot up from the swampy earth.

There I secured the rare butterfly I was looking for, and, through that success I was able to obtain a position with a Boston museum, to travel all over the world for them, collecting valuable specimens. I have been here for only a few weeks, but I already have a commission. I am soon to start for California, in search of a Cornu batrachian." "A 'Cornu batrachian'!" exclaimed Bob.

It was in this stillness of the world without and of the soul within that the pulsating lullaby of the evening crickets used to make itself most distinctly heard, so that I well remember I used to think that the purring of these little creatures, which mingled with the batrachian hymns from the neighboring swamp, WAS PECULIAR TO SATURDAY EVENINGS. I don't know that anything could give a clearer idea of the quieting and subduing effect of the old habit of observance of what was considered holy time, than this strange, childish fancy.

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