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Yes; aunties, visitors, and mamma, as they met in the hall and shrieked to each other about the storm, heard, at last, in the lull of the gale, a sound of indignant squalling. Then there was another scamper.

We were marched down the Popular Lawn Hospital grounds to a gushing rock spring, beautiful shade trees and green grass, where we rested until next morning. As soon as we were settled the white ladies and colored aunties began to pour in upon us with great baskets of everything good to eat and gave us a bountiful feast.

She ought to be a wardress in a lunatic asylum." "Now look at that!" Veronica had returned to the group formed by Grannie and the Aunties and some strangers. The eyes of the four Fleming women had looked after her as she went from them; they looked towards her now as if some great need, some great longing were appeased by her return.

Just why she was remaining at home he dared not ask, for fear he should be told the date of her departure. The fact that she flitted in and out of his room, flirting with the doctor, teasing the aunties, assuming a divine proprietorship over him, was heaven enough in itself.

He was not a boy any more, for he had been through scenes that make men old, and the remembrance of them lingered in his deep eyes, and showed in a new staidness of manner. But he was the same simple-hearted Gavin, reticent and unassuming and in his heart he almost could wish, except for the joy it gave his Aunties, that he had never heard of the Victoria Cross.

No more old black aunties or uncles! No more rides in mule teams, no more songs in the cane-field, no more steaming kettles, no more black faces and shining teeth around the furnace fires! If Lincoln could spend the grinding season on a plantation, he would recall his proclamation. As it is, he has only proved himself a fool, without injuring us.

To see how she could be a child you had only to think of her in her nightgown with her long brown hair plaited in a pigtail hanging down her back and tied with a blue ribbon. But he couldn't see how the three Aunties could be Grannie's other children. They were bigger than Grannie and they had grey hair. Grannie was a little thing; she was white and dry; and she had hair like hay.

Once Frances had stood up for the three Aunties, against Grannie; now Grannie and the three Aunties were united against Frances. "Frances, you're a foolish woman." "My folly is my own affair and Anthony's." "You'll have to pay for it some day." "You might have thought of your own children first." "I did. I thought, How would I like them to be forsaken like poor Ronny?"

Now, in Connaut, little girls don't dance not nice little girls, nor nice big girls either, for that matter. The dimpled mouths opened in astonishment. "That is wicked, Winnie Ten'son, don't you know?" "O, but 'tisn't," said Winnie. "My aunties dance, and their mamma, my grandmamma, was at the party once." "We shall tell our mothers," said Lu.

It has been just splendid. I think grandmamma and uncle and my aunties are lovely, but" and here Bert hesitated as if afraid to finish his remark. "But what, Bert?" asked Mrs. Lloyd. "What were you going to say when you stopped?"