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"Astaroth! here, my son!" she said, and the creature looked up intelligently at her as she rapped him on the back with a long knitting-needle. "And you, Mademoiselle Cleopatre! attention!" she continued, tapping the ancient fowl on the beak. Then Mme.

Do I not love thee, and is not the honor which belongs to me enough for a woman?" "Yes," answered she, pouting, "but Thou hadst four women before me." "But if Hove thee best?" "If Thou love me best, make me first, put me in the palace which that Jewess Sarah occupies, and give a guard to me, not to her. Before the statue of Astaroth I was first.

This was the temple of Astaroth. Soon they entered the garden, whence they could take in at a glance the whole building. It was composed of a number of stories. The top of the lowest was a square platform with sides four hundred yards long; its walls were a few meters high, and all of black color. At the eastern side was a projection to which came two wide stairways.

"Fear?" repeated Ramses, looking at him almost contemptuously. "Astaroth is not Baal, nor am I a child which they might throw into your god's red-hot belly." "But does the prince believe this story?" Ramses shrugged his shoulders. "An eyewitness and a trustworthy person," answered he, "told me how ye sacrifice children. Once a storm wrecked a number of tens of your vessels.

Considering that there is need of a inquiry into her person, her wealth and her deportment, in order to verify if these effects of love are legitimate, and to not proceed, as would seem indicated by her manners, from a bewitchment of Satan, who often visits Christianity under the form of a female, as appears in the holy books, in which it is stated that our blessed Saviour was carried away into a mountain, from which Lucifer or Astaroth showed him the fertile plains of Judea and that in many places have been seen succubi or demons, having the faces of women, who, not wishing to return to hell, and having with them an insatiable fire, attempt to refresh and sustain themselves by sucking in souls;

Its roots strike deep in that strange element in human nature which dreads whatsoever is weird and uncanny in common experiences, and sees strange portents and dire chimeras in all that is unexplainable to the senses. "Emen Hetan, Emen Hetan, Palu, Baalberi, Astaroth help us Agora, Agora, Patrisa, Come and help us." "Garr-r: Garr-r, up: Don't knock Your head: We fly: We fly:"

The touch of the cold, serpent-like skin made a terrible impression upon the portress. It brought about something like a physical reaction, which checked her emotion; Mme. Fontaine's toad, Astaroth, seemed to her to be less deadly than this poison-sac that wore a sandy wig and spoke in tones like the creaking of a hinge.

Mefres was even convinced that the prince was thinking seriously of expelling the Phoenicians, that meanwhile he and his courtiers were contracting debts and would never pay them. But the temple of Astaroth with its numerous courts and gardens was filled with devotees all the time.

The dove-eyed goddess Astaroth had avenged the wrong done her priestess. From the death of Ramses XIII till the day of his burial the state was governed by the most worthy San-Amen-Herhor as high priest of the Theban Amon, and viceroy of the late pharaoh. The government of the viceroy, lasting some months, was very prosperous for Egypt.

His whole soul was occupied with the thought of that evening, the most wonderful in all his life experience. He still saw the light of the moon; in his ears the song of the Greek was still sounding. But that temple of Astaroth! He could not sleep till morning. Next day the prince rose late, bathed himself and dressed, then summoned Tutmosis.