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It in the sacred scripters, which I hope that, like myseff, fum a chile thou hass known them, ain't you? Yass, well, thass right. I loves to see a young lady pious. I'm pious myseff. Ef I wan't a legislater I'd be a preacher. Now, you ass me the same riddle what Delijah ass Saampson. An' you know how he anseh her? He assed a riddle to her.

Tilin was distant from this spot a day's journey in the mountains towards the source of the river. On the province of Sous generally, Don J.A. Conde has this note: This temple, says Assed Ifriki, is made of the bones of whales which perish on this coast.

Every kine o' money runs daown, on'y it's the nater o' bills to run daown a leetle quicker nor other sorts. Naow I says, an I ain't the ony one ez says it, that all guvment's got to dew is tew keep a printin new bills ez fass ez the old ones gits run daown. Times wuz good long in the war. A feller could git baout what he assed fer his crops an he could git any wages he assed.

But it is not easy to understand how that could be, unless, indeed, the garments had been worn as a disguise by Death himself which is hardly credible. Many years ago, on my way from Hongkong to New York, I assed a week in San Francisco.

My little Bijah assed me fer some on em tew make a kite outer thuther day, an I says tew him, says I, 'Bijah, I don' callate they'll do nohow fer a kite, for I never hearn of a Continental bill a goin up, but ef yer want a sinker fer yer fish line they're jess the thing." There was a sardonic snicker at Ezra's expense, but he returned to the charge quite undismayed.

There was a chorus of thick-tongued protestations of equal valor, and the crowd reeled out after Meshech. Abner was left alone with the widow. "I'm reel beholden to ye Abner Rathbun, fer stannin up fer me," said she warmly, "an Seliny Bingham ain't one tew ferget a favor nuther." "I'd a smashed the snout o' the fuss one on em ez assed fer more.

Wretched youths, which of ye tempted the other to this sin?" "Je assed me to dew it," whimpered Zedekiah. "Kiah, he assed me fust," averred Jerubbabel. "No doubt ye are both right," said the minister sternly. "When two sin together, Satan is divided in twain, and the one half tempteth the other. See to it that ye sin not again on this wise, lest a worse thing come upon you."