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Tilin was distant from this spot a day's journey in the mountains towards the source of the river. On the province of Sous generally, Don J.A. Conde has this note: This temple, says Assed Ifriki, is made of the bones of whales which perish on this coast.

The population may be one hundred. Assah is also the name of the district though which the Sous river flows. Fifteen miles from Assah is the town of Aghoulon, containing about six hundred people. Talent, or Tilin, the difference only is the adding of the Berber termination. The other consonants are the same, perhaps, as Mr. Davidson incidentally mentions.

The woman and the husband, frightened, ran out of the house; they heard something in the air above them. "Qu-iu'-kok! qu-iu'-kok! qu-iu'-kok!" said Co-ling', as he circled around and around above the house. "Qu-iu'-kok! qu-iu'-kok!" he screamed, "now camotes and palay are your son. I do not need your food any longer." Origin of tilin, the ricebird

'All th' prom'nint saviors iv their counthry, he says, 'but mesilf, he says, 'is busy preparin' their definse, he says. 'I have no definse, he says; 'but I'm where they can't reach me, he says. 'Th' spoort is all out iv th' job; an', if ye don't come in an' jine th' tilin masses iv wage-wurrukers, he says, 'ye won't even have th' credit iv bein' licked in a gloryous victhry, he says.

The mother returned with the water to cook supper. She heard a bird crying, "King! king! nik! nik! nik!" When the woman uncovered the basket, Tilin, the little brown ricebird, flew away, calling: "Good-bye, mother; good-bye, mother; you would not give me mo'-ting!" Origin of kaag, the monkey The palay was in the milk and maturing rapidly.

They began to fight, but suddenly the beautifully tattooed one became a great lizard which ran away and hid in the tall grass, while the sooty one became a crow and flew away over the village. Tilin, The Rice Bird Igorot One day when a mother was pounding out rice to cook for supper, her little girl ran up to her and cried: "Oh, Mother, give me some of the raw rice to eat."

"There is no town called Stuka; it is a district; none that I can find called Talent; there is Tilin. The Mesah flows through Stuka, in which district are twenty settlements, or rather towns, some of which are large. They are known in general by the names of the Sheikhs who inhabit them. I stopped at Sheikh Hamed's.