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Round the walls are lists of the men who have fallen in recent wars. [Illustration: THE CHURCH, NIK

Judy cast an appealing flash of her eyes sideways at nothing, flushed furiously and mumbled, "Ik weiss nik I don't know." In the outcries and laughter which followed, Miriam noticed only the hoarse hacking laugh of the Australian. Her eyes flew up the table and fixed her as she sat laughing, her chair drawn back, her knees crossed tea was drawing to an end.

The Upanishads contain some myths and parables about the introduction of evil but they do not say that a naturally good world was spoilt . They rather imply that increasing complexity involves the increase of evil as well as of good. Nik. Of these the first mode is the better and it is only by mistake that the eternal spirit adopts the latter.

VII. The parrots were expounding Vasubandhu's Abhidharma-kośa. Bâṇa frequently describes troops of holy men apparently living in harmony but including followers of most diverse sects. Nik. It means a group or collection and hence can be used to denote either a body of men or a collection of treatises.

E.g. Dig. Nik. Part II. pp. 29 ff. especially p. 41. Parasvaharaṇam kâryam paradârânishevaṇam Vaktavyam cânṛitam nityam sarvabuddhâṃśca ghâtayet. Nik. Among the oldest Sanskrit MSS. from Japan is the Ushṇisha-vijaya-dhâraṇî and there is a goddess with a similar name. But the Dhâraṇî is not Śâktist. See text in Anec. Oxon.

Verocana is the name of an Asura in Sam. Nik. Yashts. XXII. and XXIV. S.B.E. vol. XXIII. pp. 317 and 344. All three works are translated in S.B.E. vol. This idea is very common in China and Japan but goes back to Indian sources. See e.g. "He who leaves this body and departs remembering me in his last moments comes to my essence.

For some further remarks on the possible foreign origin of Mañjuśrî see below, chapter on Central Asia. Nik. This is his bodhi tree under which he will obtain enlightenment as Sâkyamuni under the Ficus religiosa. Takakusu, p. 213. See Johnston, From Peking to Mandalay, for an interesting account of Mt. Chinese, Tai-shih-chih. He appears to be the Arhat Maudgalyâyana deified.

The mother returned with the water to cook supper. She heard a bird crying, "King! king! nik! nik! nik!" When the woman uncovered the basket, Tilin, the little brown ricebird, flew away, calling: "Good-bye, mother; good-bye, mother; you would not give me mo'-ting!" Origin of kaag, the monkey The palay was in the milk and maturing rapidly.

It is very popular, especially in south India, where an abridgment in Tamil called Jñâna-Vasishṭha is much read. Its doctrine appears to be Vedântist with a good deal of Buddhist philosophy. Brâhm. says that Kṛishṇa was an Âṅgirasa XXX. g. The Anukramanî says that the Kṛishṇa of Ṛig Veda, VIII. 74 was an Âṅgirasa. Dig. Nik.

But the practical character of the Chinese and Japanese has led them to attach more importance to the moral and intellectual side of this doctrine than to the metaphysical and pantheistic side. Sut. Both forms are used, e.g. Nik. Shadworth Hodgson in his Philosophy of Reflection, vol. See S.B.E. vol.