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Updated: August 12, 2024

Nor is this all, for as a great many of these Solunarian Church-Men had no affection to this new Prince, but were not equally furnished, or qualify'd for Martyrdom with their Brethren; they went to certain Wise Men, who being cunning at splitting Hairs, and making distinctions, might perhaps furnish them with some mediums between Loyalty and Disloyalty; they apply'd themselves with great dilligence to these Men, and they by deep Study, and long Search, either found or made the quaintest Device for them that ever was heard of.

With the same charms our souldier had won her to be in love with life, he addrest himself as a lover; nor did his person appear less agreeable to the chaste lady, than his conversation; and the maid, to raise her opinion of him, thus apply'd her self: "And arm'd with pleasing love dare you ingage, E're you consider in whose tents you are?"

Upon this I fir'd a Musket Ball thro' the Canoe, and after that another musquet load with Small Shott, neither of which they minded, only pulled off a little, and then shook their paddles at us, at which I fir'd a third Musquet; and the ball, striking the Water pretty near them, they immediately apply'd their Paddles to another use; but after they thought themselves out of reach they got altogether, and Shook their Paddles again at us.

They generally torrefy it in the Embers, so strip off the Bark from the Root, beating it to a Consistence fit to spread, so lay it on the griev'd Part; which both cleanses a fowl Ulcer; and after Scarrification, being apply'd to a Contusion, or Swelling, draws forth the Pain, and reduces the Part to its pristine State of Health, as I have often seen effected.

But Gito, that cou'd fawn much better than I, took a cobweb dipt in oyl, and apply'd to the wound in his forehead: And changing his torn coat for his own mantle, imbrac'd the now reconcil'd Eumolpus, and stuck to his lips: at last he spoke, and, "Our lives," said he, "most indulgent father, our lives are in your power; if you love your Gito, convince him that you do, by preserving him: O! could I now meet a grave in flames or waves, that I, the only cause of all, might end your quarrels."

When I apply'd my Self to consider, how the cause of Whiteness might be explan'd by Intelligible and Mechanical Principles, I remembred not to have met with any thing among the Antient Corpuscularian Philosophers, touching the Quality we call Whiteness, save that Democritus is by Aristotle said to have ascrib'd the Whiteness of Bodies to their Smoothness, and on the contrary their Blackness to their Asperity.

A Sheet of very well fleck'd Marbl'd Paper being Apply'd as the others, did not cast any or its Distinct Colours upon the Wall; nor throw its Light upon it with an Equal Diffusion, but threw the Beams Unstain'd and Bright to this and that part of the Wall, as if it's Polish had given it the Nature of a specular Body.

"A squeaking engine he apply'd Unto his neck, on northeast side, Just where the hangman does dispose, To special friends, the knot or noose; For 'tis great grace, when statesmen straight Dispatch a friend, let others wait. His grisly beard was long and thick, With which he strung his fiddle-stick; For he to horse-tail scorned to owe, For what on his own chin did grow."

Thus our Merchants are not many, nor have those few there be, apply'd themselves to the European Trade. The Winter has several Fitts of sharp Weather, especially when the Wind is at N.W. which always clears the Sky, though never so thick before. However, such Weather is very agreeable to European Bodies, and makes them healthy.

Religion has, I think, been rightly defin'd to be the knowledge how to please God, and thus taken, does necessarily include vertue, that is to say, Moral Rectitude; but as Men have usually apply'd these Terms Vertue and Religion, they stand for things very different and distinct, one from another.

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