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The three remaining men of the company are of little interest save one, whose name was to be well known nay, was well known already, though not to one who had lived in such seclusion as mine. This was that fine poet Annibale Caro, whom I have heard judged to be all but the equal of the great Petrarca himself. A man who had less the air of a poet it would not be easy to conceive.

It is interesting to note that he also engaged a tenor, Annibale Fabri, although in those; days tenors were considered only fit for old men's parts of minor importance, and at Naples were generally given the parts of comic old women. Fabri's wife and another woman were announced as good actresses of male parts. "Fabri has a tenor voice," wrote Mrs.

The sister of his wife, Marie de Medici, became "King of France," as Talleyrand avers, and had a mad, glad, sad, bad, jolly time of it. Wherever the Duke of Mantua went, there too went Annibale Chieppo, the Minister of State. This man had a calm eye, a quiet pulse, and could locate any man or woman in his numerous retinue at any hour of the day or night. He was a diplomat, a soldier, a financier.

"When you are the basket, sir captain, shall anyone blame the women?" she countered with her lazy insolence. "Body of God!" cried the Cardinal, and laughed wholeheartedly, whilst my cousin scowled. "There you have the truth, Cosimo, and the truth is better than proverbs." "It is unlucky to speak of the dead at table," put in Caro. "And who spoke of the dead, Messer Annibale?" quoth Leocadia.

The Italians are great printers of letters; I do believe I have at least an hundred several volumes of them; of all which those of Annibale Caro seem to me to be the best.

In the composition of such mythological subjects the unlettered Annibale was totally inadequate. See vol. i., page 71 of this work. This wonderful picture is one of the most singular and beautiful works of that great master.

The greatest excellence of this art was of short duration; it declined as did the literature, and indeed, the sacred and political institutions of Italy in the seventeenth century. It should not, however, be forgotten, that the best works of Guercino, the later pictures of Annibale Carracci, and the important works of Domenichino and Salvator Rosa belong to this period.

Annibale Griffoni, a pupil of Fassi, applied the art to monuments. Giovanni Cavignani, also a pupil of Fassi, far surpassed his master, and executed an altar of St. Antonio, for the church of S. Niccolo, at Carpi, which is still pointed out as something extraordinary.

Lucia. St. Michaelina. These are the best pictures of BAROCCIO already exhibited. His colouring is enchanting. It is entirely transparent and seems as if impregnated with light: however, his forms, and every thing else, bespeak the mannerist. N deg. 721. The Resurrection of Christ. The Nativity of Christ. Christ laid in the tomb. Of the CARRACCI, ANNIBALE is the most perfect.

We did not feel inclined to eat any supper, and therefore retired to our apartments; and I accompanied Clementine, who told me that she was ashamed at not knowing anything about the "AEneid." "Vigi will bring his translation of the thirteenth book, and I shall not know a word about it." I comforted her by telling her that we would read the fine translation by Annibale Caro that very night.