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"I told you a government man." "What government? Where can you get in touch with him?" "I don't know. He gave me a phone number in case I ever saw a certain man again." "What man?" "Rhoda! They aren't men at all. They're androids!" Rhoda froze and stared at him in consternation. "You actually believe that fairy tale? Frank, I just don't understand you." "I told you about it before."

He sighed and drew her cajoling hand out of his hair. "They've got some wild idea the man who broke his leg wasn't a man at all. They think he was a synthetic of some kind. An android." "Why, that's ridiculous. You saw him. You certainly know a man when you see one." "According to Brent Taber, these androids are men, to all intents and purposes, but they're manufactured."

"I imagine they'd find them quite interesting." "Do you think we can assume the tenth android died also?" "Perhaps. We have no proof that it killed the one found slain in Greenwich Village." "I'm satisfied to assume that. But I'm wondering just what contact those 'people, as you call them, had with their androids. Could a part of the brain have been a sending and receiving device?"

The two hearts indicate that they knew the elements contained in our air the pressures and so forth necessary to our existence and were unable to construct a working model that would function under our conditions with a single heart. So they put in two." "It looks as though they missed on some other things, too. Seven of the androids have expired." Entman shrugged.

But I've got to start somewhere and hope I'm on the right track." "One thing occurs to me. Eight of the androids died and one was killed. What if all ten had succumbed? How did they plan to get their data?" "Who knows? I'm not saying the idea is foolproof. But a certain amount of risk had to be involved. If the ten died, they would have missed. Maybe they'd try again in that case.

"Oh, be quiet," Entman said with friendly petulance. "I was going to say that I was rather proud of those details. If our hostiles out there follow my specifications, they'll create androids with much smaller lungs and non-porous skin that will give them no end of trouble when they start chasing frightened householders down the streets of the world." Taber chuckled.

We have not necessarily gone along with your theory that the so-called androids were from outer space." "Then where do you think they originated?" "We have put data into the calculators on that point. So far, the results have been inconclusive." "That's too bad." "Your sarcasm is uncalled for. I am quite willing to tell you, however, that we have been proceeding in the matter.

"Earth's population is slowly being diluted by the removal of top people. The androids behave in every way like the individuals they replace, but they are preconditioned against the inherent destructiveness of Earthmen." Blind anger seemed to rise within Mel. "You have no right to separate me from Alice. Take me to her!" His rage ignited and he leaped forward.

All I've been trying to do is put a little courage into you? Didn't Taber tell you a thing about the androids?" "He wasn't as brutal as I made it sound. In fact, he's a rather nice guy in a tough spot." "I'm sure of that, but we couldn't care less. What did he say about the androids?" A new, desperate wariness had been born in Frank Corson.

The sheer, compulsive opportunist! That was certainly all that Brent Taber could be called. Using this deadly situation as a means of furthering his own interests. Senator Crane deliberately stilled his rage and objectively considered what he should do about it. With the obvious source of the androids logically deduced, there was only his own defensive procedures to be considered.