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Updated: August 24, 2024

The midnight sun had set, but in a crotch between two snow-peaks it had kindled a vast caldron from which rose a mist of jewels, garnet and turquoise, topaz and amethyst and opal, all swimming in a sea of molten gold. The glow of it still clung to the face of the broad Yukon, as a flush does to the soft, wrinkled cheek of a girl just roused from deep sleep.

It seems that an emblazonment fluctuates from their waters, and writhing above the crags which imprison them drifts athwart a sky sometimes a little chill Leonardo's pensive sky of shadowed amethyst again of a flushed blue, whereupon float great clouds, silken and ruddy, as in the backgrounds of Veronese's pictures.

The archbishop, leaning back in his chair, might so have sat for his portrait his white hands folded one over the other, and the great amethyst ring on the third finger of his right hand seeming to reflect the paler shadings in the folds of his gown. "I have come, your Eminence," said Derby, going to the point at once, "to work the 'Little Devil' mine."

Lee turned to the dainty little woman who stood before her, arrayed in shining lavender silk. The real-lace fichu was fastened at the waist with an amethyst pin and at her throat she wore a string of silver beads. Her white hair was beautifully dressed, and somewhere, among the smooth coils and fluffy softness, one caught the gleam of a filigree silver comb. "Not dress?" she said.

The beautiful stones, amethyst, agate, chalcedony, and jasper, are all different kinds of quartz. Another chief material in rocks is a white metal called aluminium. United to oxygen it becomes alumina, the chief substance in clay. Rocks of this kind such as clays, and also the lovely blue gem, sapphire are called Argillaceous Rocks, from the Latin word for clay, and belong to the second class.

I must get them some chocolates." And she immediately stepped into a confectioner's and came out with a beautiful box of bon-bons, tied with amethyst ribbon, which she gave to the delighted children. "I know your dear father," she said. "At least I know who he is." And she looked firmly at the Prophet, who dropped his eyes.

Other worships pass away; the idols for whom pyramids were raised lie in the desert crumbling and almost nameless; the Olympians are fled, their fanes no longer rise among the quivering olive-groves of Ilissus, or crown the emerald-islets of the amethyst Aegean! These are gone, but thou remainest. There is still a garland for thy temple, a heifer for thy stone. A heifer?

And while she listened, the strange light of the leaves irradiated the youthful figure of Myrtle, as when the stained window let in its colors on Madeline, the rose-bloom and the amethyst and the glory. "Yes! we shall be angels together," exclaimed the Rev. Mr. Stoker. "Our souls were made for immortal union. I know it; I feel it in every throb of my heart.

Sometimes, I don't know what made it, there would be long lines of light in different colors layin' on the water; long waveless furrows of palest amethyst, lilock, pale rose-color, and pearl, soft green and blue, way off and near to, wide and long and changin' all the time.

Michael wondered what he would say if he showed him the crimson amethyst which had had its second hiding-place in the saint's ear. "But who is reported to have found this King Solomon's mine?" "Some poor man, whom no one has seen or spoken to every man who tells you the fairy-tale has heard it from his trusted friend, from a reliable source.

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