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Colonel Pickering, on the other hand, gave a very clear view of the facts in the case, showing conclusively the innocence of the government in the murder committed, and after a time succeeded in allaying the excitement, drying up their tears, and wiping out the blood that had been shed. This council was enlivened by good cheer, and the observance of ceremonies common among the Indians.

Prunelloes have scarce any laxative quality: these are mild grateful refrigerants, and, by being occasionally kept in the mouth, usefully allay the thirst of hydropic persons. PUNICA Granatum. POMEGRANATE. Rind of the Fuit. L. E. D. This fruit has the general qualities of the other sweet summer fruits, allaying heat, quenching thirst, and gently loosening the belly.

The command was an infamous one, yet it was obeyed almost to the letter, only a handful of the Texans escaping out of about three hundred. Small wonder was it that Santa Anna was often termed the Mexican butcher. Houston's arrival at Gonzales did something toward allaying the excitement, and in a short time he gathered together some three hundred men.

Hallam had been held up at the gate, another victim of British red-tape; her ticket read for Queensborough, she was attempting to alight one station farther down the line, and while undoubtedly she was anxious to pay the excess fare, Heaven alone knew when she would succeed in allaying the suspicions and resentment of the ticket-taker. "That's good for ten minutes' start!" Kirkwood crowed.

All the mills of Nuremberg were insufficient to grind the corn required for each day; and 15,000 pounds of bread, which were daily delivered, by the town into the Swedish camp, excited, without allaying, the hunger of the soldiers.

In every case in which the eschar does not separate favourably, I begin to suspect the formation of a scab underneath, in which case the whole must be removed by the application of a cold poultice for two or three days; this has not only the effect of removing the eschar but of allaying any inflammation or irritation; afterwards the caustic must be reapplied as before.

Unfortunately, many people, when a horse shies, lose their heads, clutch at the reins, hit the horse, and commit other foolish acts which only irritate the animal, without in any way allaying his fear, supposing, as we do, that the horse is good-tempered, and is not shying from vice.

Taylor and his followers, however, differs from that of the ordinary manager who maintains an irritated disregard of the disturbing elements instead of accepting them and, as far as is consistent with business principles, allaying or cajoling them. The significant contributions which scientific management has made are in line with the experiments originally introduced by Mr. Taylor.

Our stay at the Lake was necessarily short. We had found that the best plan for allaying any suspicions, that might arise in the minds of a people accustomed only to slave-traders, was to pay a hasty visit, and then leave for a while, and allow the conviction to form among the people that, though our course of action was so different from that of others, we were not dangerous, but rather disposed to be friendly.

Her friends would worry about her all night if she did not find some way of allaying their anxiety. "Oh, Mary!" she said to the maid. "Where's the telephone? Tom said there was telephone connection here." "So there is, Miss," returned the maid. "And somebody had better tell Mrs. Murchiston that you're safe.