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Talcott drew out contradictory statements from these witnesses, and proved several alibis at points where Harold had been accused. He produced Jack Burns and several others to prove that Harold liked fun, but that he was not inclined to lead in any of the mischief of the town in fact, that he had not the quality of leadership.

When the queen's messengers came to the pool they found the fishes playing at alibis all about in the water; but nothing of the king's son could they see. The king's son came to the fox, and the fox hid him in his burrow, and brought him butter and eggs from the royal dairy.

"Dan was the second friend I've seen murdered by these devils," he said. "I'd like to do something." "We'll need your help, if it was really the dagoes." "What? There's no doubt on that score. Donnelly was warned." "Well, we ought to have them under arrest in short order." "And then what? They've probably arranged their alibis long ago.

"Well, you won," he remarked, taking a vacant chair beside Le Drieux. "Yes, of course," was the reply; "but I'll admit that fellow Andrews is a smooth one. Why, at one time he had even me puzzled with his alibis and his evidence. That flash of the pearls was the cleverest trick I ever heard of; but it didn't go, I'd warned the judge to look out for a scoop.

Having established the time when the assassin fired the bullet into Whitmore's body, Britz laid aside the picture and the needle and turned savagely on Luckstone. "Now, sir!" he exclaimed, bringing his fist down on the table. "That disposes of your alibis! You had arranged them very craftily after the shooting all four of your clients spent the morning where disinterested witnesses could see them.

It does produce results and probably one case of physical betterment has a prevailing power which a chapter of criticisms cannot overcome and, more than that, one case of physical betterment may screen a dozen in which nothing happened at all. For Christian Science has in this region two alibis which can always be brought into action, the most perfect ever devised.

And Auntie returns the grin. You might know it would be Rupert who'd break the spell. "I am wondering," says be, "just how we are going to get all this treasure on board the yacht without the crew knowing all about it." "Why wonder?" says Old Hickory. "Leave it to Torchy." "Ah, say!" I protests. "No alibis," insists Mr. Ellins, slappin' me encouragin' on the shoulder.

The guard outside kept the citizens terrified until the booty was secured; then flight on good horses followed. After that ensued the frantic and unorganized pursuit by citizens and officers, possibly another killing or two en route, and a return to their lurking place in Clay county, Missouri, where they never had any difficulty in proving all the alibis they needed.

I made every inquiry as to whether any foreigner had visited the castle or been seen in the neighbourhood, but the only strangers among the visitors had been Miss Julia Romaninov and Miss Juliet Byrne's French maid, both of whose alibis appeared so far unimpeachable.