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It was in these conditions that I left eight days after, on Sunday, November 20th, for Verdun." "You maintain that you did not assume the personality of Vinson before that date?" "I do maintain that, Commandant." "But that is the pivot of the whole business, and the important point yet to be proved!" "That is not difficult," declared Fandor: "I have alibis who will support my statement."

Now, however, it was to be observed that the lines about his mouth tightened, that his forehead contracted, while his eyes darted points of fire. "Do you want to investigate their alibis?" asked the coroner. "No," snapped Britz. "Why not?" "Because it isn't necessary." "Then you accept them?" "Yes without question."

This is not the place to argue the right or wrong of the matter from our own standpoint but to recognize the fact that it is right from theirs, and to act accordingly. Thus in cast of theft of meat, or something that cannot be traced, it is well to call up the witnesses, to prove the alibis, and then to place the issue squarely up to those that remain.

And this may have been one cause of the frequent resort to alibis a mode of defence which, as we have already remarked, is even yet in great disrepute.

We who appointed this man took the blame for his failure, because business recognizes no alibis. As usual, it wasn't that he didn't want to be a branch manager, or that he didn't know enough, or that he wasn't willing to work hard enough. We found that the trouble was within his emotional mechanism. He was losing his head and his temper at the wrong times.

But law talk in all its plenitude, followed; and for two hours I heard of nothing but writs, detainers, declarations, traverses in prox, and alibis, with sundry hints for qui tam processes, interspersed, occasionally, with sly jokes about packing juries and confusing witnesses, among which figured the usual number of good things attributed to the Chief Baron O'Grady and the other sayers of smart sayings at the bar.

The next morning an indignation committee of fifty students met the Faculty and presented alibis that were invincible. It was demonstrated by a cloud of witnesses that Miller had been absent nine times hand-running because he had been sitting up nights with a sick chum.

"Wait a minute," was Karim's reply, "we must collect our belongings." So saying he ordered the dacoits to extinguish their torches and follow him with the bags of money. Then after arranging for alibis in case of criminal proceedings, the band dispersed, well satisfied with their night's work.

The commandant raised his arms to heaven. "Alibis! Alibis!... What do they prove, after all?" "The truth, Commandant.... When I am in Paris it is evident I am not in Châlons or Verdun." Dumoulin was evidently trying to find an argument to meet the accused's logic.

She flushed up like a child. "You're stupid, Streffy. You forget that Nick and I don't need alibis. We've got rid of all that hyprocrisy by agreeing that each will give the other a hand up when either of us wants a change. We've not married to spy and lie, and nag each other; we've formed a partnership for our mutual advantage." "I see; that's capital.