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As I approached, and stooped to see what ailed her, she suddenly threw out her arms, and, seized with violent convulsions, rolled over and over upon the floor, beating her head violently upon the ground, and throwing her enormous limbs about in a horrible manner.

"Did ye hide it from yer MOTHER an' tell NATE GRIGGS?" Birt hung his head. The folly of it! "What ailed ye, ter hide it from me?" she asked deprecatingly, holding out her worn, hard-working hands. "Hev I ever done ye harm?" "Nuthin' but good." "Don't everybody know a boy's mother air bound ter take his part agin all the worl'?" "Everybody but me," said the penitent Birt.

"I'm not one of them lobo wolves," he said, "who are always blaming on women the calamities of life. My testimony in regards to the fiction story you ask for, Judge, will be about as follows: What ailed Redruth was pure laziness.

"What shall I say to their people?" He choked as he put on the clothes the boys had rescued and thrown after him. He felt in the pocket of the coat as Beany had yelled for him to do. It held a water-proof belt stuffed with chocolate and malted milk tablets. Again he groaned. "What ailed them? Why didn't they jump?" he asked. Over and over again he asked the question but there was no one to answer.

His thin little frame shook with sobs, great, deep, heart-rending, nerve-racking sobs, that made my own heart stand still with fear. What could it all mean? What ailed the boy? "Tell me, Stone," I begged, "what is it? What has upset him so?" "He has found Vicky Van," said Fleming Stone. "And it has broken his heart." "What do you mean? Don't keep me in this suspense! Where is Vicky? Upstairs?"

So many things ailed her by her own confession that you wondered how they all found room on the premises at the same time.

It has driven men crazy. It has warped and distorted character out of all semblance to its former self. It has sweetened love and killed love. There is an antidote but I am going to let you find the antidote somewhere in the story. Bud Moore, ex-cow-puncher and now owner of an auto stage that did not run in the winter, was touched with cabin fever and did not know what ailed him.

Indeed, though she hotly declared that she ailed nothing, there was a lassitude about her that made it a relief to have the care of Bernard taken off her hands; and the Baron's grumbling at disturbed nights made the removal of Bernard's bed to his sister's room generally acceptable.

I could not understand it in this connexion at all. What ailed him? I asked myself. What strange thought had come into his head? What vision of all the horrors that can be seen in his hopeless country had come suddenly to haunt his brain? If it were anything connected with the fate of Victor Haldin, then I hoped earnestly he would keep it to himself for ever.

"Yes, sir," she said, "and she looked as sick as a young undertaker. I can't imagine what ailed her." "Eh?" choked the Senior Surgeon. "But the house now," he hastened to contend. "The house now needs a lot of fixing over! It's all run down! It's all everything! We never in the world could get it into shape by the first of June!