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Updated: August 20, 2024

Then did Bavaria's well-deserving prince Entreat swift aidance in his extreme need; The emperor sends seven horsemen to Duke Friedland, Seven horsemen couriers sends he with the entreaty He superadds his own, and supplicates Where as the sovereign lord he can command. In vain his supplication!

I am she for whom thou wroughtest a good deed and sowedest the seed of gratitude and slewest her foe; for I am the serpent whom by Allah's aidance thou didst just now deliver from the Dragon. I am a Jinniyah and he was a Jinn who hated me, and none saved my life from him save thou.

I embarked with them and we set sail on the blessing of Allah Almighty and on His aidance and His favour to bring our voyage to a safe and prosperous issue and already we congratulated one another on our good fortune and boon voyage. So we said to him, "O Rais, what is the matter?" Hardly had the master made an end of his speech when the apes were upon us.

Whereupon the True Believers ambushed in the valley answered from every side and the hills and mountains responsive cried and all things replied, green and dried, saying, "God is Most Great! ,Aidance and Victory to us from on High! Shame to the Miscreants who His name deny!"

The person who gives you this is faithful and may be trusted, and will guide you to a place where, God willing, I may safely give you the meeting, when I trust my kinsman and you will visit my poor house, where, in despite of my enemies, I can still promise sic cheer as ane Hielandman may gie his friends, and where we will drink a solemn health to a certain D. V., and look to certain affairs whilk I hope to be your aidance in; and I rest, as is wont among gentlemen,

Uneath to him to smell, who's To catarrh-troubled men flowers troubled with a rheum, Are lack their smell; flowers; the broker knows And brokers ken for how much what worth the garments be. clothes can sell; So supplicate thy Lord right So haste and with thy Lord humbly for His grace And re-union sue, Providence, belike, shall And haply fate shall lend thee help thy constancy; aidance due.

To catarrh-troubled men flowers lack their smell; And brokers ken for how much clothes can sell; So haste and with thy Lord reunion sue, And haply Fate shall lend thee aidance due, Rest from rejection and estrangement-stress, And Joy thy wish and will shall choicely bless. His court wide open for the suer is dight: One, very God, the Lord, th' Almighty might." And they also tell a tale of

He needs our aidance to maintain himself He did so much for us; and 'tis but fair That we, too, should do somewhat now for him. OCTAVIO. And know'st thou what it is which we must do? That Illo's drunken mood betrayed it to thee. Bethink thyself, what hast thou heard, what seen?

This is how it fared with them but as regards the Moslems, they passed the Night, dejected and weeping for their King and Sa'adan; but Sahim said to them, "O folk, be not concerned, for the aidance of Almighty Allah is nigh."

He's an impetuous man. OCTAVIO. Nay, in cold blood he did confess this to me And having construed my astonishment Into a scruple of his power, he showed me His written evidences showed me letters, Both from the Saxon and the Swede, that gave Promise of aidance, and defined the amount. MAX. It cannot be! cannot be! cannot be! Dost thou not see, it cannot!

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