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Updated: August 20, 2024

So we despaired of life and made sure of death when lo! a voice repeated the saying, "Allah is most Highest! Allah is most Highest! Aidance and victory to all who the Truth believe; and disappointment and disgrace to all who the religion of Mohammed, the Moon of Faith, unbelieve." The speaker was the Princess who had burnt the Ifrit, and he was become a heap of ashes.

'I have now the honour to again solicit Your genteel genuine sympathical humane philanthropic kind cordial nobility to oblige me at present by Your merciful loan of gracious second and propitious favourable aidance in my actually poor indigent position in which I have no earn by my dental practice likewise no help, also no protection, no recommendation, no employment, and then the competition is here very violent.

And the Lord, Compassionate protected him, so that he reached Gharib's tent in safety and unrolled the cloak before him. Gharib looked at its contents and seeing his brother Ajib bound, cried out, "Allaho Akbar God is Most Great! Aidance! Victory!" And he blessed Sahim and bade him arouse Ajib.

"'Tis I am the stranger, visited by none; * I am the stranger though in town my own: 'Tis I am the stranger! Lacking kith and son, * And friend to whom I mote for aidance run. I house in mosques which are my only home; * My heart there wones and shall for ever wone: Then laud ye Allah, Lord of Worlds, as long * As soul and body dwell in union!" And a famous tale is told of

Were it not that distress with me exceedeth the bounds of restraint, that which thy servant hath forced herself to do in writing this writ were an aidance to her, despite her despair of thee, because of her knowledge of thee that thou wilt fail to answer.

Whereupon every woman in the street looked from her lattice and, seeing a matron clad, after Sufi fashion, in clothes of white wool, as she were a pavilion of light, said, "Allah bring us a blessing by the aidance of this pious old person, from whose face issueth light!"

Canst thou consent to bear thyself to thy own grave, So ignominiously to be dried up? Thy life, that arrogated such an height To end in such a nothing! To be nothing, When one was always nothing, is an evil That asks no stretch of patience, a light evil; But to become a nothing, having been Show me a way out of this stifling crowd, Ye powers of aidance! Show me such a way As I am capable of going.

The person who gives you this is faithful and may be trusted, and will guide you to a place where, God willing, I may safely give you the meeting, when I trust my kinsman and you will visit my poor house, where, in despite of my enemies, I can still promise sic cheer as ane Hielandman may gie his friends, and where we will drink a solemn health to a certain D. V., and look to certain affairs whilk I hope to be your aidance in; and I rest, as is wont among gentlemen,

Now when his mother saw this, she fell into the sorriest of plights and said, "There is no help but that I go to the Grand Chamberlain, and I must hope for the aidance of the Subtle, the All-Wise!" Then she rose from her place and betook herself to the house of the Chamberlain who was now become Sultan, and she found him sitting upon his carpet.

"I deemed you coat o' mail that should withstand * The foeman's shafts, and you proved foeman's brand I hoped your aidance in mine every chance * Though fail my left to aid my dexter hand: Aloof you stand and hear the railer's gibe * While rain their shafts on me the giber-band: But an ye will not guard me from my foes * Stand clear, and succour neither these nor those!" And I also quoted:

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