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"Already," said Castanado, "we chanze to have three or four. Mademoiselle has that story of her grand'mère, and Mr. Chezter he has sir, you'll not care if I tell that? Mr. Chezter has the sequal to that, and written by his uncle!" "Yes," Chester put in, "but Ovide Landry finds it was printed years ago." "Proof!" proclaimed Mme. Alexandre, "proof that 'tis good to print ag-ain!

"And that play turn out a so egcellent that many people, paying admission ad the door, find they got to pay ag-ain, secon' time, ad their seat, in tear' that they weep; and that make it not so hard for Mélanie, who weep ab-out ten price'. Negs day, Sunday, avter church and dinner, she come yonder ad the home of mademoiselle, you know, Bourbon Street, and sit with her in the gol'fish bower of that li'l' garden behine.

When you haven' the sense enough to take care of yourself!" "Ah, shame!" ventured the sweetheart. "He's the lover of his blidding country, going ag-ain to fighd for her and uz whiles he can! to-day! al-lone! now!" Her fingers clutched his wrists, that still held her shoulders, and all her veins surged in the rapture of his grasp. But Charlie stared at his sister.

One day Victorine came to Anna with ecstasy in her almond eyes and much news on her lips. "To bigin small," she said, Flora and her grandmother had "arrive' back ag-ain" at dawn that morning! Oddly, while Anna forced a smile, her visitor's eyes narrowed and her lips tightened.

Alexandre and me, and three Chapdelaine', we are all prettie anxiouz for that letter." "Yes, I know about it, and there is one, from a New York publishing-house, on Geoffry's desk." "Well, madame, Marais Street, here's the place. Ah! and street-car or jitney passing thiz corner will take you ag-ain at yo' hotel." Satisfied with her son's quarters, Mrs.

"Dearest," cooed the other, "that would make me a thief ag-ain, and this time guilty." "Can't I give a castaway rose to whom I please?" "Not this one. Ah, sweet, a thousand thousand pardon!" the speaker bent to her hearer's ear "I saw you when you kiss' it and before."

Louis dome yonder, tha'z better than a modestie withoud that. That origin-al manuscrip' we don't want that ag-ain; we've all read that. But I think Mr. Chezter he's also maybe got that riv-ision in his pocket, an' we ought to hear, now, at ones, that riv-ision!" Miles. Corinne and Yvonne led the applause, and presently Chester was reading: This is a true story.