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Updated: August 27, 2024

Haec quanta sint cogitate, et in statera mentis vestrae appendite, ut totus vobis figatur in corde, qui pro vobis totus fixus est in cruce. Nam si passio Christi ad memoriam revocetur, nihil est tam durum quod non aequo animo toleretur. Which may be thus rendered: O Christian soul, look on the wounds of the suffering One, the blood of the dying One, the price paid for our redemption!

and then refer in the margin to Horace, or whoever said it; or, if you allude to the power of death, to come in with Pallida mors Aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas, Regumque turres.

The best drug for the sleepless traveler is the aequo animo of Cicero. These little things are great to little man. GOLDSMITH: The Traveller. The insistent habit of mind is nowhere more noticeable than in connection with the food. I have seen a hotel habitue, apparently sane, who invariably cut, or broke, his bread into minute particles, and minutely inspected each before placing it in his mouth.

"I do not remember saying that I was in difficulties," objected the Reverend Septimus, with heightened colour. "Don't you? Memory is bad, is it not? Would ten thousand francs paint the rectory, then?" "It would ease my mind and sweeten my sleep at night to have half that sum, my friend. With two hundred pounds I could face the world aequo animo." "I will see what I can do.

"I do not remember saying that I was in difficulties," objected the Reverend Septimus, with heightened colour. "Don't you? Memory IS bad, is it not? Would ten thousand francs paint the rectory, then?" "It would ease my mind and sweeten my sleep at night to have half that sum, my friend. With two hundred pounds I could face the world aequo animo." "I will see what I can do.

And the little black letters in the master's open book seemed to be dancing together in long dizzying rows, and this is what he read: "... Pallida Mors Aequo pede pulsat Pauperum tabernas Regumnque turres..." Maria Kamienszka talked for the whole of a long hour with the General's wife.

Aciem firmarent==aciem firmam facerent, of which use there are examples not only in T., but in Liv. Dr. Affunderentur. Were attached to. Pro vallo. On the rampart; properly on the fore part of it. Cf. note, H. 1, 29. Ingens decus. In app. with legiones stetere. Bellanti, sc. Agricolae. Al. bellandi. In speciem. Cf. in suam famam, 8, and in jactationem, 5. Aequo.

Hence I may compare the constitutions of the church with responsa juris consultorum among the Romans, which obliged no man, nisi ex aequo et bono, saith Daneus.

Petrinus Bellus affirmat se, cum esset Bruxellis in curia Hispaniarum Regis de hac quaestione consultum, et censuisse, pro Praefecto facere aequitatem quae praecipue respicitur inter milites, quorum controversiae ex aequo et bono dirimendae sunt; unde ultra conventa quis obligatur ad id quod alterum alteri prasstare oportet. The case, it appears, ultimately went against the horse-lending praefect.

Nat. There is no reason that has not its contrary, say the wisest of the philosophers. I was just now ruminating on the excellent saying one of the ancients alleges for the contempt of life: "No good can bring pleasure, unless it be that for the loss of which we are beforehand prepared." "In aequo est dolor amissae rei, et timor amittendae,"

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