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I have sent in the reports; but we may as well go over the evidence again from the commencement, to make sure that nothing has been left out. If any corrections are to be made, now is the time to make them. Read, Picard, and lose as little time as you possibly can." Thus admonished, Picard drew some long slips of paper from his pocket, and began reading from them as follows:

The story of Anthony admonished Rome that a life of sensuous gratification was inglorious, unworthy of the true Roman, and that the flesh could be mastered by heroic endeavor. Women, who spent their hours in frivolous amusements, welcomed with gratitude the discovery that they could be happy without degradation, and joyfully responded to the call of righteousness.

Sampson, in a voice equally loud, and with more profanity, admonished Jenkins to descend to the lower regions and attend to his own affairs. Jenkins yielded. Leaving Forsythe in charge of the bridge, he came down the stairs and aft on the run.

"People don't have good manners with with " "Bo, hush!" admonished Helen. It was difficult to reprove Bo just then, for that young lady had not the slightest fear of Riggs. Indeed, she looked as if she could slap his face.

He sat up very late with me that night on the Lake House porch to give me a rubbing down, as he expressed it, as he might have admonished some favorite jockey before a sweepstake. "Take it easy, old man," he would say repeatedly, "and don't give things the bit before you're sure of their wind!" Days passed, and not a word from Farrar. The case opened with Mr. Cooke's friends on the front benches.

He not only protected the Jews at Avignon, as far as lay in his power, but also issued two bulls in which he declared them innocent, and he admonished all Christians, though without success, to cease from such groundless persecutions.

Steady, boy!" admonished his partner's drawling voice at his side. Dick did not utter other words that were surging to his tongue, and finished with an angry shrug of his shoulders. Bill turned coolly to the owner of the Rattler, and appeared to probe him with his eyes; and his stare was returned with one as searching as his own. "Who are you?"

It is well for us, however, to be admonished of the necessity of abiding by the maxims of the most vigilant economy, and of resorting to all honorable and useful expedients for pursuing with steady and inflexible perseverance the total discharge of the debt.

The Emeer Moosa, when he heard these words, again wept and was admonished by what he witnessed. He then said to his companions: "Bring the sacks, and fill them with part of these riches and these vessels and rarities and jewels." And thereupon, Talib, the son of Sahl, said to the Emeer Moosa: "O Emeer, shall we leave this damsel with the things that are upon her?

"We were all in a higgledy-piggledy mix-up when you fired." She smiled. "I can generally hit what I aim at." I nodded my head. "Ay! And I think you can hit sometimes even when you don't aim." "George!" she admonished, "we were referring simply to shooting with a gun, not with a bow and arrows." Jake Stops the Drink for Good