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So to Friar Bacon's study: I up and saw it, and gave the man 1s. Bottle of sack for landlord, 2s. Oxford mighty fine place; and well seated, and cheap entertainment. At night came to Abingdon, where had been a fair of custard; and met many people and scholars going home; and there did get some pretty good musick, and sang and danced till supper: 5s. 10th. Wednesday.

Come now! I'll give you one more chance. What are the principal exports of Abingdon?" "That's easy. Let me see: potatoes, milk, eggs, butter, cheese. And hay, lumber, lath and bark chickens and and apples, apple cider rye, buckwheat, buckwheat flour, maple sirup; pork and veal and beef; and and that's all, I guess." "Wrong! I'll mark you fifty per cent. You've omitted the most important item.

On the other hand, some learned antiquarians have maintained the opposite opinion, that the name Abingdon existed even prior to the foundation of the monastery; thus the Rev.

It upset her very much to see Sir Nigel looking so ill, and she believed that to read the Bible at odd hours was a sign of approaching death. 'You must have some beef-tea at eleven, Miss Abingdon said, and felt glad that she was able to do something in a crisis. 'I think I was brought up on beef-tea, said Toffy.

As it was vacation in these institutions of learning, the travelers did not see any of the vines that traditionally cling to the oak. The Professor and the Friend of Humanity were about starting on a journey, across country southward, through regions about which the people of Abingdon could give little useful information.

Jones, of the Photograph Department. The left-hand chair, from Abingdon Park, is said to have belonged to Lady Barnard, Shakespeare's grand-daughter, and the other may still be seen in the Hall of the Carpenters' Company. Removed from an old house in Lime Street, City.

Our brethren who took refuge in Abingdon have just arrived. We must find them room here; they tell a piteous story. Ascension Tide, 1010. A sorrowful Ascension Tide indeed! They have landed in East Anglia. A battle has been fought and lost. Nearly all the English leaders slain. Whitsuntide. They are on the road to Bedford.

Miss Abingdon rather enjoyed making little excursions through her guest's bedrooms of an afternoon, when she had the house to herself; and, without deigning to touch or disturb anything, she knew pretty well, for instance, whose complexion was real and whose was false, who wore powder and who did not. Mrs.

The third of the great early foundations is Abingdon, and in a way it is the greatest, for, without direct connection with the Crown, by the mere vitality of its tradition, it became something more even than Chertsey was, wielding an immense revenue, more than half that of Westminster itself, and situated, as it was, in a small up-valley town, ruling with almost monarchical power.

Anger threatened him as it had threatened him when he had realized that Nicol Brinn meant to remain silent. He combated it, for it had no place in the judicial mind of the investigator. But he recognized its presence with dismay. Where Phil Abingdon was concerned he could not trust himself.