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Updated: August 29, 2024

Died in the Stockade from its organization, February 24, 186l to September 2l ....................................................3,254 Died in Hospital during same time ...............................6,225 Total deaths in Hospital and Stockade ...........................9,479 Scurvy, diarrhea, dysentery, and hospital gangrene were the prevailing diseases.

Our dutiable imports amounted to $324,635,479, a decrease of $58,156,690 over the preceding year, and importations free of duty amounted to $291,414,175, a decrease from the preceding year of $90,524,068. Internal-revenue receipts exceeded those of the preceding year by $24,212,067.

The framework of bones being the same in the hand of a man, wing of a bat, fin of a porpoise, and leg of the horse, the same number of vertebrae forming the neck of the giraffe and of the elephant, and innumerable other such facts, at once explain themselves on the theory of descent with slow and slight successive modifications. p. 479.

They pointed out the danger of this, and prayed for admission under reasonable conditions. The petitions came from every part of the country, including all the Boer strongholds, and some were signed by influential officials. One petition from Johannesburg was signed by 32,479 persons, and the total signatures amounted to 35,483.

FALLACIES of the senses are the darkness of truths, 152*. FALSES, all, have been collated into hell, 479. See Evils. FALSIFICATIONS of truth are spiritual whoredoms, 77, 80. FATHER. The Lord in the Word is called Father, 118. Most fathers, when they come into another life, recollect their children who have died before them, and they are also presented to, and mutually acknowledge, each other, 406.

In the first three books he tells how Persian power was consolidated: in the next three he shows how it flooded Russia, Thrace and Greece, being stemmed at Marathon in 490; the last three contain the story of its final shattering at Salamis and Plataea in 480 and of the Greek recoil on Asia in 479. It is thus a "triple wave of woes" familiar to Greek thought.

GENERA. Distinction of all things into genera, species, and discriminations; the reason why, 479. There are three genera of adulteries, simple, duplicate, and triplicate, 479, 484. GENERAL of an army, 481. GENERALS cannot enter into particulars, 328. GENEROSITY is one of those moral virtues which have respect to life, and enter into it, 164.

Both these measures are in the interest of justice and should be passed. At the beginning of the present administration in 1909 the postal service was in arrears to the extent Of $17,479,770.47. It was very much the largest deficit on record.

My company was warned for working party last night, so at 6 a.m. we get up, dress, and, after a hurried breakfast, parade in semi-darkness. After a trivial delay of perhaps 40 minutes, the D.C.L.I. or 479 have observed our arrival and tools are counted out and issued, the homely pick and shovel. Very well!

* The natural increase of the French-Canadian race under British rule is one of the most extraordinary phenomena in social history. The following figures illustrate the rate of that increase: the number was 16,417 in 1706; 69,810 in 1765; 479,288 in 1825; 697,084 in 1844.

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