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Letourneau, Evolution of Marriage, p. 335. Golden Bough, Part I. The Magic Art, Vol. II, pp. 270, 289, 312. Müller and Bachofen, cited by Giraud-Teulon, op. cit. pp. 283-284. The Truth About Woman, pp. 227-242. The evidence with regard to prehistoric Greece is much more complete. The Greek γένος resembled the Roman gens.

It is also remarkable that at the time of the Union the population of Belfast was 35,000, and Dublin 250,000. Now Belfast is 335,000, while Dublin remains at a quarter of a million. Belfast, in point of customs, is the third largest city in the British dominions, coming next after London and Liverpool, whilst it is the finest shipbuilding town in the world.

On the question of authenticity, see Drachmann, loc. cit. Vollmer, Sitz. Bayer. Akad. 1907, 335, and Vergil's Apprenticeship, Class. These are but a few of the minor details that show Vergil in his youth a close reader of Catullus, and doubtless of Calvus, Cinna and Cornificius, who employed the same methods.

P. Kolben, The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, translated from the German by Mr. Medley, London, 1731, vol. i. pp. 59, 71, 333, 336, etc. Quoted in Waitz's Anthropologie, ii. 335 seq.

The view from them both to the eastward and westward was, as it were, over a sandy sea; ridge after ridge succeeding each other as far as the eye could stretch the vision. To the north the flat appeared to terminate at a low sand hill bearing 335 degrees or N.N.W. 1/2 W.

I doubt whether I shall get fees equal to the expense. Ib. p. 335. 'Nov. 22, 1791. I keep chambers open in the Temple, I attend in Westminster Hall, but there is not the least prospect of my having business. Ib. p. 344. His chambers, as he wrote to Malone, were 'in the very staircase where Johnson lived. Croker's Boswell, p. 830. Sunday was the 21st.

Thus in St. Ibid., 111-12. In 1603 the wardens of Northawe are to see a levy made "sub pena interdicti." Ibid., 90. Cf. pp. 36-7. Examples are: Hale, Crim. See also Canterbury Visit., xxvi, 20, 21, also Ibid., xxvii, 220, et passim. Dean of York's Visit., 335.

A road or track, which we found about half a mile east from the camp, led us very directly, on the bearing of 335 degrees, to Loder's station, distant about six miles from our encampment. Here stood a tolerable house of slabs, with a good garden adjoining it, in charge of an old stockman and his equally aged wife.

When he could in no way be brought to restore Arius to his former honors and ecclesiastical standing, Athanasius was first deprived of his office, in a council held at Tyre, A.D. 335, and then banished to Gaul, while in the same year, by a numerous council held at Jerusalem, Arius and his friends were solemnly admitted to the communion of the Church.

This powerful empire, as at present constituted, embraces: square miles inhabitants 1 The hereditary States of Austria, 76,199 9,843,490 2 The duchy of Styria, 8,454 780,100 3 Tyrol, 11,569 738,000 4 Bohemia, 20,172 3,380,000 5 Moravia 10,192 1,805,500 6 The duchy of Auschnitz in Galicia, 1,843 335,190 7 Illyria, 9,132 897,000 8 Hungary, 125,105 10,628,500 9 Dalmatia, 5,827 320,000 10 The Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom, 17,608 4,176,000 11 Galicia, 32,272 4,075,000