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The King promised that Erlac should be satisfied. Ep. 1064. p. 480. Ep. 1079. p. 485. Ep. 1090. p. 490. & 1093. p. 491. Ep. 1137. p. 514. VI. These were only vague promises which the Ministry never intended to fulfil.

The Hashishin were the members of a Moslem secret society, founded in 1090 by one Hassan of Khorassan. There is a persistent tradition in parts of the Orient that this sect still flourishes in Assyria, under the rule of a certain Hassan of Aleppo, the Sheikh-al-jebal, or supreme lord of the Hashishin.

The experiment looked hazardous, but, to our great satisfaction, the trawl came up all right and contained, with many of the larger invertebrate, several fishes.... After the first attempt we tried the trawl several times at depths of 1090, 1525, and, finally, 2125 fathoms, and always with success."

This strife was provoked by Hakon, and apparently lasted for many years, Erlend supporting his own sons, and driving Hakon abroad to Norway about the year 1090. Neither Paul nor Erlend seems to have been much in Sutherland or Caithness, in which the representatives of the Gaelic Maormors or Chiefs probably regained power, especially the family of Moddan, and extended their territories.

Originally the vernacular of the Jews of Volhynia, Podolia, and Kiev was Russian and Polish, or, rather, the two being closely allied, Palaeo-Slavonic. The havoc wrought by the Crusades in the Jewish communities of Western Europe caused a constant stream of German-Jewish immigrants to pour, since 1090, into the comparatively free countries of the Slavonians.

!Answers!: 0.1753 N; 0.02224 gram. One thousand cubic centimeters of 0.1079 N sodium thiosulphate solution is allowed to stand. One per cent by weight of the thiosulphate is decomposed by the carbonic acid present in the solution. To what volume must the solution be diluted to make it exactly 0.1 N as a reducing agent? !Answer!: 1090 cc.

But if William did not himself care for any moral justification of his plans, he must make sure of the support of his English vassals in such an undertaking; and the policy of war against Robert was resolved upon in a meeting of the court, probably the Easter meeting of 1090. But open war did not begin at once.

The destination is the temple of the god and there sacrifice is performed with the usual accompaniment of song and dance; the whole closing with a banquet and a drinking contest, similar to those in vogue among the German students. Aristophanes has described the scene for us Ach. 1090.

The year following in the House of Commons he railed at the London booksellers, 'who, he positively asserted, entirely governed the newspapers. 'For his part, he added, 'he had ordered that no English newspaper should come within his doors for three months. Parl. Hist. xvii. 1090. See ante, iii. 373.

No such pursuit, I venture to say, had ever before been required of Scotland Yard as this of the slipper of the Prophet. An organization founded in 1090, which has made a science of assassination, which through the centuries has perfected the malign arts, which, lingering on in a dark spot in Syria, has suddenly migrated and established itself in London, is a proposition almost unthinkable.