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They were both men who had "gone bad," in the current phrase of the community. Both had killed. Both searched now for an advantage in that steady duel of the eyes. Neither had any fear. The emotions that dominated were cold rage and caution. Every sense and nerve in each focalized to one purpose to kill without being killed. "When yore's is mine, Dug." "Is this yore's?" "Sure is.

"What'll he do?" demanded the man brutally. "I've stood a heap from that father of yore's. I reckon this would even the score even if I hadn't " He pulled up, just in time to keep from telling her that he had fired the chaparral. He was quite sober enough to distrust his tongue. It was likely, he knew, to let out some things that had better not be told.

The gorgeous old mendicant took them all grimly and leering, and then pounced upon the Northern man, assured by their twinkles and winks that the rest expected some sport. "And now, Right Honorable from the banks of the Susquehanna, Colonel Reybold you see, I got your name; I ben a layin' for you! come down handsome for the Uncle and ornament of his capital and country. What's yore's?"

The gorgeous old mendicant took them all grimly and leering, and then pounced upon the Northern man, assured by their twinkles and winks that the rest expected some sport. "And now, Right Honorable from the banks of the Susquehanna, Colonel Reybold you see, I got your name; I ben a layin' for you! come down handsome for the Uncle and ornament of this capital and country. What's yore's?"

To-night we're rich as that fellow Crocus; anyhow I am, an' you're haided that way. And both of us have cleared our names to boot. Ain't you got any red blood in that big body of yore's?" "I'll drop in to the Delmonico and get a bite, then ride out to the Jackpot." "You will not!" protested the cattleman. "Looky here, Dave. It's a showdown. Have you got anything against me?"

She fed me, nursed me, and waited on me. We divided a one-room twelve-by-sixteen cabin. Understand, we were four days alone together before her dad came back, and all the time the sky was lettin' down a terrible lot of water. When her father showed up he grinned and said, 'Lucky for you Myrtle heard that six-gun of yore's pop! He never thought one evil thing about either of us.

"Thar's yore's," he said, laying out the four of clubs, "an' yere's mine," he concluded, producing the jack of diamonds. "Luck's ag'in me early in th' game," was his cheerful comment. For a minute Alfred was silent, and a decided objection appeared in his eyes. Then his instinct of fair play in the game took the ascendant.

Bob sat up. "Why, I never heard there was anything the matter with yore heart. If there is, you hadn't ought to be ridin' these crazy colts you do." "Nothin' the matter with my heart. It's yore's I'm worryin' about." Bob flushed, but said nothing. "I'm wonderin' how long you're aimin' to let that bully puss fellow Walker run over you." "What can I do?" Bob did not look at his companion.

His inquiries at such stables as he found brought no satisfaction. Neither Miller nor the pinto had been seen at any of them. Later in the evening he met Henry B. West at the St. James Hotel. "How's that business of yore's gettin' along, boy?" asked the cattleman with a smile. "Don' know yet. Say, Mr. West, if I find a hawss that's been stole from me, how can I get it back?"